Team Yellow Supporters Thread

Thought I'd bump this up as I have my 20 week scan on Monday. Finding it hard to exist but I'm gnu stay strong. Worried that it's bits might be blatantly obvious at the scan, lol. Any words of advice?xx

You can DO it!! :D I was worried about bits being obvious too but what I did was made sure the guy doing it knew that we didn't want to find out before he started, he was very good and no bits were obvious and we stayed none the wiser ^_^ xx

Thanks I'll remember to say this to the lady too. I just think the excitement on the day will be worth it. Im not fussed if it's a boy or girl. So long as it's happy n healthy. :) xx

I'm the same! OH was starting to falter a bit the night before and on the morning of the scan and I nearly caved but I just kept thinking that it'll be soo worth it at the end! So I told him no! lol he'll have to wait till the birth with the rest of us haha xx
Hubby is all up for being team yellow. I think I'm the weaker of me n him lol.xx
Well I'll be sending some 'stay strong' vibes your way on Monday :) xx
Good luck staying strong! Just let them know at the start of the scan you don't want to know the sex and they'll avoid it.. When they were checking my LOs thigh bone length she did say 'oops sorry!' but we didn't see anything obvious
It's so worth not finding out I regretted finding out with the girls that's what kept me strong as I did doubt myself in the morning and night before.. I felt after finding out time kinda stood still and pregnancy dragged as we had no surprises left.. But this pregnancy is going so quickly for us and I feel a part of that is because we don't know the sex! I've heard it helps with labour too :) got a 4d scan on the 10th and mil is still bugging us to find out lol but we are staying strong!!
We just got through our scan and i stayed strong and said no to finding out!! It was hard not to tho! XX
Well done!! :cheer: it's very hard not to but worth it in the end!
Did u get some piccies we can see??xx
I did but they are not uploaded yet- they are not very good because the baby wouldn't stay still for the lady lol..... im glad now that i didn't find out tho... just bought it a little yellow cardigan lol x
Aww! They do do some cute unisex stuff but it's hard to find unfortunately :( we've bought enough white and cream to last a couple of weeks, as soon as it's born we will be bombarded with pink or blue lol plus it's gives me an excuse to go out with baby once it's born and walk off the baby weight lol!
Well done redbear for staying team yellow! :) xx
Yeh i am glad... ive found some really nice clothes.... some thumper ones which are gray and white with green on the tree's and some bear ones which are cream and things, Whinnie the pooh is very neautural ... i had to get some bear ones with it been part of its last name lol! I am pritty close to finished getting everything now so there wouldn't be much point me finding out anyway, we don't have lots of spare money so have been buying things from 12 weeks a bit at a time and ive built up a collection now lol xx
That's the best way really.. Gradually build up a collection :) sounds like you've got some really nice stuff!
Well i think so i got loads in sales because its summer they are selling winter stock but my baby is due January so bought things now on sale for winter- saved myself a fortune lol x
Brilliant!! I've bought some winter bits as I'm due in nov and it should be getting colder by then too :)
Asda has some lovely unisex bits. But not buying too much as i know i will be bombarded after baby is born with clothes lol!x
Yeah Im the same! It's OHs family's first grandchild so I know it's going to have way too much lol! I've bought enough for the first couple of weeks, mainly stocking up on nappies now :)
Not long now... Must stay strong. Altho I feel 99% confident that I'll remain team yellow. So exciting!xx

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