Tax credits changing next year

I can't even finish reading that because it's just scaring me.

The quicker I leave this country the better. Not because I believe somewhere else will have a better benefits system or medical system, but because there will be a salary that matches living costs.

How can they expect people to work if they're not better off for it?! Rarr. We're heading for bad times.
Very bad times :(

I really am scared for the future! We don't get slot of tax credits anyway but if they get rid of child benefit we're screwed :(
I was hoping to get a part ownership house in 2013 (yes...I plan ahead lol) but Im reconsidering now...
God, why didn't I stay a single parent?! Seriously tho, I was planning on returnig to work when the girls are in school! If I even got a part time job we'd be over 25k! Where's the incentive to work? I want to return to work, I don't want to be a kept woman, but what's the point if you'll be penalised for it?!
Tax credits would be the only way I could afford to live with someone if we were both working. Id be better off staying at home and having another child instead of going out working or stay as a single mum! This is just obsurd.
The following examples assume the same rates and thresholds in 2011-12 and 2012-13 as this year.
A family with two adults and two children, earning £25,000 a year, which is about the national average, and paying no childcare costs, will receive tax credits of:

  • £2,498.80 this year (2010-11)

  • £2,427.20 in 2011-12, taking account of the rise in each child element by £150 and the increase in the reduction taper to 41%

  • £2,547.20 in 2012-13, taking account of the extra rise in each child element by £60.
However, the same family with just one child will receive tax credits of:

  • £545 in 2010-11 and 2011-12

  • £37.01 in 2012-13, because the family element is tapered away immediately after the child element.
Not all claimants have their awards curtailed at £50,000 or £40,000 income.
Large families, particularly if they have substantial childcare costs, may still receive tax credits at much higher income levels.
For example, for a family with three children, and claiming maximum possible childcare support, the cut-off point can be well over £65,000, using this year's rates and thresholds but a 41% taper.

This confuses me.....
I think it's a disgrace, I am so grateful for the help that I have been offered when my work let me go, but like you, I WANT to work, how do they work this out?

I seen a thing on fb not long ago and I wish it could happen, it was about a man who had to have random urine tests for drugs etc in his work, but a number of people who are claiming benefits don't have to do a test to make sure they aren't using peoples hard earned money for drugs/drink etc.
Jen that's so true!! One of my pet hates is seeing people smoking outside the JC! I know I smoke and did do whilst on IS, but it was one of the very few luxuries I allowed myself! These people just seem to go, sign on and then spend all day drinking! And I just worked out how much OH earns, we're far too close to the 25k for my liking :( it's just wrong! You work hard to e able to afford nice things for your family and then it's like sorry, we'll give you less money!
I read this a while back and it's crazy. What the hell are they trying to do to us :(
Its gonna cause an uproar!

Wont really effect us too much, but for some ppl it will be make or break as to wether they can afford to work or not.

Wages should be higher, without a doubt. Bloody rediculous

Then there is this universal credit thingy coming in as well

What annoys me is that the price of living is rising but peoples wages aren't? I don't mean this to sound bad, but between what I get for Odhrán and the bit of money I get from selling on eBay, I manage, and I can treat Odhrán, but I see my sister etc wonderng what they are going to do while her and her husband are both working full time, I don't think it's fair, if anything it makes me feel guilty not having those worries on top of me
Exactly Jen. I feel bad that I don't have to worry about rent and council tax, knowing that I don't have the fear of losing my job. That sounds strange, but why should someone going out to work and paying tax and making a good go of things have to constantly worry about whether or not they can afford to keep their home!

Were part of the generation that they think will never own a home....have they ever thought about why?! I really don't know what some people are going to do when this comes in. On Daybreak today weve officially been names the worst place to live in Europe. :( This is because of the high cost of living, older retirement ages and the price of food. There were 17 factors taken into consideration I think. France and Spain were ranked top. I think my sisters Parisian fiance is going to be giving me a few lessons in french soon because Im going to be heading across the channel if this carries on.
a while ago when i went to citizen advise, the adviser told me i be better of not working and being a single mum. not an option for me tho, but its bloody stupid. i think thats whats wrong with economy in this contry
I'd be jumping on a ferry with you so quick, of it weren't for the fact that I'm not the biggest fan of the French! Most of them are probably lovely people, just all the ones I've met have been twunts :lol: we very nearly moved to Malta before K was born! Part of me is so glad I didn't, but at the same time I wish I had!
Ive met some awful french people....but at the same time Ive met some awful english ones too lol. He's got a studio apartment in Paris and Im so tempted to save a bit and ask him if I can stay there for a month next year, just to see what it's like.
I am going to come in with a contraversial opinion here...

there have only been 2 high wage earns in each family in the last decade or so. And it has crippled the economy, it has also led to inflated house prices, massively high cost of living and a situation where Most people cannot choose to stay at home and look after their young

i think that is disgraceful

i dont think its a sex thing so much, it does reek of the traditionally feminine jobs because pushing to one side because the paternal jobs are so much more important (going out, earning a crust etc) but actually, regardless of who is staying at home, there is a job in the home as much as there is a job in the workforce

If less families had two wages earners, the cost of living would go down, the cost of houses would go down (because they have to follow a trend on what a normal person can earn in a lifetime... or half a lifetime, or whatever.

I think that along with removing tax credits, the government is planning on offering huge tax breaks to those who are in a relationship, so you will actually be able to get 6 grand more a year (say) untaxable income because your partner is not earning.

The daily hate (as i call it) is very good at not showing all the facts, its an emotive based newspaper designed to shock you and there are many other facts and things going on.

lets not forget that parents in Britain work more (collectively) than any other parent in the first world and as a result of that, UNICEF found our children to be the most depressed in their most recent survey.

Something has to change and i am eager to see if this will help, as for me, i have always said that one parent staying at home and that being the normal would be far far better for the families and the economy. If you didnt have some families with two parents on 40k a year, you would have more families with 1 income on 40k a year. Much much fairer all round
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i just find that in this country, the less you do the more you get, i called tax credits last week, last tax year me n hubby were working and i got told that we can get 33 a week, this tax year hubby hasnt worked i got told we would get £135 a week!!! what the hell!!
My sisters has dropped from 100 a week to 14 a week, her and her hubby are under 25k per year, she works 30 hours a week, he works 50 and goes to college, how ate they supposed to afford childcare now?

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