Talk us through your BFP moment :)

Hi Laura :-)
I wasn't sure when I was ov-ing so I took it for the first 14 days, 2 a day, twice a day x
for me it was really strange . I was WTT and half afraid to mention to my OH that I'd like to try soon . I guess my body had other plans . My AF was 5-6 days later and I was feeling tired . So on the friday morning when brushing my teeth made me gag I figured i'd better test , one faintness line so I saw my gp and he said I was about 4 weeks pregnant : ) A pleasant surprise .
My OH was pretty shocked and was quiet for a while , I guess we hadn't really talked about it much hahaha but he's happy now :)
This is such a great thread, love reading everyones stories :)
Love this thread, id forgotten about it too!

We had been trying for 7 cycles, I think our problem was that we didnt BD enough at the right times but this time I made sure we did so we BD the day before and the day after and i think we conceived on the day after (if that helps anyone) :smile:

I tested on NYE as we were going out and I wanted to know if I could get tipsy or not and i got a BFN so i had sooooooooooo much to drink!

My AF was due on the Sunday and i didnt have my usual cramps the day before or in the morning so i tested using an ebay cheapie and BFN but I went back to it later and saw a faint line so i did another test in the afternoon and got the same thing a faint line:smile: Monday morning came and no sign of AF so i was brave and got out my CB Digi and there it was Pregnant 1-2 weeks.

I took the test into the bedroom to show OH and he was as shocked and over the moon as me!

I cant believe its happened and im finally going to be a mummy:smile:. Im off to the Docs this afternoon to confirm and to find out the next step.

Thanks for reading xxx
it never even considered i was pregnant. however one day when oh was doing his hift at a pub me and a friend were keeping him company. I went outside had a ciagrette, came back in ordered ANOTHER double run and coke and was flicking through my diary when i realised that my period hadnt come and wa due two and half weeks previous. normally not that worried but after hi shift i made him take me to out uni 'nightline' service and got a preggnancy test. At about 2am, pised out my brains i peed and there it wa a bfp.went and told phil and he turned around and said 'ah shit, we're keeping it aren;t we.....' (can you tell it wa a surprise??) 3 tessts later and we believed it. We considered getting rid of him if im being honet, however, we were married o we were in a r.hip for the long term, kids were always gonna be a part of the plan and tbh we were both morally against abortion on the grounds that we had been so stupid as to be 'unsafe'. However i now have a BEAUTFUL little boy whos loved more than anything!! xx
With my second We were not trying not preventing for 6 months, didnt get upset if it didnt happen ifykwim!? Well I was due the day before Valentines day and I was regular every 28 Valentines day I just knew I was preggo !! Waited until the 17th to test with a cheapie...instant BFP !! I sort of hinted I thought I was expecting to OH..the next day I told him and my Mum who was over the moon ! It took my OH a while to get his head around it....but now Leo is here we both absolutely adore him :)

I was coming up to my period and was having cramps but thought nothing of it and waited a couple of days and poas and a really faint line came up but I thought nothing of it and carried on and then still no period so told fob went and got another test pee'd on it and it was an instant dark line lol I cried my eyes up for about half an hour and then got over it decided I'd keep her and then that was that fob had no say lol x

I had been TTC for a long time, and it was the 1 month where i was convinced i wasnt pregnant, everyone was telling me to test but i refused to because i thought it was a waste of time, even when my period didnt arrive i still wasnt convinced, after being a week late i did a test first thing, stuck the test in my dressing gown pocket and started getting ready for work, yanked it out of my pocket about 10 mins later and went to throw it straight in the bin without looking and there was the line!!

Ran into the bedroom and just launched it at OH, it smacked him on the head and woke him up :rofl: :rofl:

We went off to work and i sent him out to buy a digi to confirm it and the lady in the pharmacy gave him a right mouthful about "safe sex" blah blah blah .... he was 33 at the time not 13 :rofl: :rofl:
Hubby and I had been married for 6 months when we decided to start trying, every month I had symptoms and af still came, think because I had my implant for so long, my body had forgotten what the run up to AF was like. So in cycle 5/6, we did the same as every other month and BD'd at all the right times etc. the only difference was that I'm normally a pee before sleep kind of girl and the night before Ov I just fell asleep.

OH and I were in court all week about access to his daughter (from previous relationship) and I got majorly tearful on the third night of the 5 day hearing. We got home that night and I thought about testing on an ebay cheapie (more out of curiosity than anything else as I didn't really have any symptoms at all), and after 3-4 mins a very faint line showed up, so faint I thought it might be an evap. Decided to test with FMU the next day and the line was still very faint. OH blamed the ebay cheapies and so we went to Boots and got a pack of 2 tests (bumping into the Mother in Law in the queue whilst holding the tests caused some excitement) did a test that night and another faint line showed up, in total I did 7 tests, then OH got bored of the not being quite sure and went out to buy a CB digi. We waited until the next day with FMU and it came up pregnant 1-2.

Think after so many BFNs and so many is it a line or isn't it tests from this cycle, seeing it there in black and white was a shock. The first people to know were you lovely ladies on here then the next day we told our parents and siblings (originally we wanted to wait, but my daddy came round to fix our sink and I just blurted it out.
I have been TTC few weeks after my last child was born. They say your likely to get pregnant again after you have just had a baby but in my case that didnt happen. We tried so early after my last because we wanted one more child and not a big age gap. Every month i waited to see if a came on my period and every month i did and i was devastated but this January my OH said to me that i was late on my period he always know when am due on. So when it got to day 3 of no period i did a test got bfn OH was saying you are no matter what that test says i know you are so waited a couple of days. Day 7 of been late did a second test this time bfp and here i am now after over a year and half. xxxx
Thanks for the stories ladies - it really cheers me up this thread, never fails :)
I suspected cause my nips stayed sore after OV, and waited till due to test :) Tested with tesco test at night, and saw v faint line. Tested in the morning with FMU and another line but darker. Bought a FR and a CBD. Went to PizzaHut for lunch and couldnt wait, so downed my tango, went to the bathroom and peed in the cup in the middle of the afternoon. (Classy I know!! :lol: ) Dipped the FR first, line came up like BOOM!! Didnt know if the CBD would be sensitive enough, but sure enough, came up pregnant 1-2 weeks :) xx
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Bumping because i like this thread and loads of BFP'ers not posted :)
I came off my pill November 2010 after we discussed trying. BFNs every month until 15th March when it all unfolded on this very forum before everyones eyes.....
Id had positive OPK at CD13 and we bd'd a lot that week. Since then Id had BFNs. At 14dpo I thought Id do another OPK (being silly) just to see what it did out of interest. It was positive and strong line and Id read that OPKs can pick up pregnancy so I posted on here and the girls urged me to test. I used a cheapie Ebay One Step test and it had a line. My heart was racing so I posted it and got over excited and did 2 more cheapies. I posted pics. Everyone was so excited on here and I cant thank them enough for their support. I rang OH to tell him as he was at work and I was shaking he couldnt say much as there was a nosey co worker with him but he was very happy.
Did FRER and CBD the next day and now Im 7+5 no symptoms hardly at all.
ah louise, i'm glad you bumped this up, i used to love reading this! :)

well, every single month for 10 months i have tested before my AF date and got a bfn, some months i thought i could see things and other months i just knew :shakehead:

this cycle (cycle 11) i thought it would be another bfn :wall:

I got a FRER test on a thursday evening. i took the test and thought i could see something, however 10 previous cycles made me dubious so i sent my test off to the exper - LouiseB :friends: she played around with it for me and it sort of showed a line.

that night i barely slept, went straight to work in the morning and couldn't wait for lunch time :clock: i jumped in the car to boots and all the gorgeous girls in ttc wished me luck and lots of babydust. i popped indoors and done the test...2 lines!! i could barely breath and just kept saying 'oh my god' then i raced back to work to tell everyone on here my good news!!!

i always thought i would cry when it happened but i didn't i think i was just so shocked!! really amazing moment i'll never forget xxxxx
I remember mine as clear as if it were yesterday infact it was 10 years ago lol.. hope it counts as I don't want to hijack the thread if it's only for currently pregnant ladies, which of corse we all know I'm not x
Lovely to read these stories though and good luck to you all x
I came off the pill in November 2010. I thought we were def out in Feb as we last BDed on CD14 and I got my pos OPK on CD16. On Sat 12th Feb (8DPO), in the afternoon, when I got off the sofa, I had really sharp pulling type pains in my abdomen and I thought 'Hold on, I had those exact pains when pg last time'. So, I did a cheapy test and thought I could see a v.v.v.v.v. faint line!! I then did a CB HPT just before putting my son to bed and then went back after 10/15 mins and it was a faint positive!! I couldn't believe it and DH was out so I had no one to tell. I then had to wait till the Monday (valentines day) to test again with a FR in the supermarket toilet (I couldn't wait) and got a definite BFP!!!
I came off the pill a year ago but my cycles never settled down. While waiting for a fertility appointment, I got myself a clearblue monitor. It showed I ov'd about cd26 so bd'd the night before and day after.
When I wa about 9dpo I went to the doctor with a pain in my side that I had for a week. Did a test but it came up negative. Thought that was it as I had read stories of girls getting bfps at 7dpo.
GP told me to take paracetemok and come back in two day. Got up that morning and did a cheapie hpt and left it on windowsill while I washed my hair. Only did it so I could tell GP I def wasnt pg.
Wraped my hair in the towel and picked up the hpt expecting to glance, see a negative and chuck it in te bin.
But, it had two lines! Clear as day!
DH had already left for work. Didnt know what to do... rang into bedroom but I had no idea why. Was running around like a headless chicken. Rang Dh in work while sitting at the top of the stairs :-) and I just cried it out to him.
Then di a FR that I had and two lines came up straight away :-)

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