Symptoms for ladies due Feb 2018


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Jul 24, 2014
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Hi ladies

I'm 6 weeks + 4 (with my first pregnancy) and I am just wondering what symptoms you are having at the moment?
I've had a couple of mornings of feeling slightly naseous but no sickness, thankfully! And at the weekend I noticed some Brown cm when wiping, but I did go to London and do a shed load of walking and have read that being on your feet a lot can irritate the cervix?
Anyway, today I am quite crampy and feeling occasional pinches in the uterus region. I'm assuming this is all normal? Trying not to freak out!
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Hi hun, I am 6 weeks + 1

Generally I have tender boobs all the time and feel ravenous and can eat anything in eye view. Today my skin has broken out too.

Other than that, I have no nausea/sickness.

I do still workout first thing in the morning and I am taking pregnacare daily. Not sure if these have helped me but I do feel good overall.

Ive read online that cramping is very normal
I'm 6+2. Iv had some feelings of nausea, really sore boobs and some cramping but not for about a week. Currently feeling really tired and run down as well. Iv also had brown cm but only a little bit, all seems quite normal I think x
I'm 6+3 today and have horrible nausea, have been sick a lot.

Also have occasional cramps, slightly less this week which is good. I've had pretty bad heacahes some days which was a symptom on my pregnancy with my son x

Oh good it's sounding like we are all similar then. That's reassuring 👍🏻 Oh yes, I've definitely got the tender boobs too. Irritating when trying to get comfy at night! I'm having a scan in a weeks time to ensure all is as it should be (we had IVF so they are watching me very closely). And if everything is going well I'm going to buy a pregnancy pillow!
Hi all, I am about 5 and a bit weeks (don't know my LMP so ''tis all a bit of a guess). I have very tender nipples but not boobs, slightly more hungry than normal and lots of bloating and funny feelings in my uterus area. It feels a bit like a pulling down sensation if that makes sense. I am also feeling really hyper and pumped a lot of the time. I have lots of this strange pent up energy like I've drunk gallons of coffee..... is that normal? Blaming the hormones lol
Hi all, I am about 5 and a bit weeks (don't know my LMP so ''tis all a bit of a guess). I have very tender nipples but not boobs, slightly more hungry than normal and lots of bloating and funny feelings in my uterus area. It feels a bit like a pulling down sensation if that makes sense. I am also feeling really hyper and pumped a lot of the time. I have lots of this strange pent up energy like I've drunk gallons of coffee..... is that normal? Blaming the hormones lol

I'm also getting that strange "pulling down" sensation at times. It's sometimes feels like I've injured a muscle in my lower abdomen but it's not painful, hard to describe. And definitely getting the bloating!

Plus I can go from feeling like I've a ton of energy to wanting to lie down in the space of minutes!
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Hello! I'm 6+4 and have had nausea, and have been sick a few times too, my boobs are sore, and I'm stupidly tired! the bloating is ridiculous too xx
I haven't had any tiredness yet (still early days) but am very bloated today and have lots of 'feelings' in my womb area like it's all changing in there! Would love to avoid the nausea and exhaustion of last time xx
I'm pregant with my first child and I'm approx 6 weeks. I've been getting occasional cramps in my belly but no discharge or bleeding or anything. I've looked it up and I'm assuming it's fairly normal? I just can't help but to worry :(
Im really early but getting shooting pains, achy boobs,nothing much else really xx
My boobs have actually gone up a bra size already so had to buy a new one! :lol:
Bit tired today not really hungry, boobs still tender nipples. Xx
I'm pregant with my first child and I'm approx 6 weeks. I've been getting occasional cramps in my belly but no discharge or bleeding or anything. I've looked it up and I'm assuming it's fairly normal? I just can't help but to worry :(

Obviously it's hard to say what is normal from a non-expert point of view but from a mum's point of view I can say it is very normal. I get a little bit of clear discharge but no bleeding but lots of cramping and bloating and other niggles in that area. It is a combination of the embryo nestling in, the hormones causing everything to loosen up and the growing and changing of everything in there. I also get a pulling down sensation which i remember from last time.
I was a bit panicky last night because I thought the cramps were increasing in intensity but then back to "normal" cramps again and no bleeding since. Cramping seems normal for most ladies from what I've gathered so far. Just hoping that the ones last night weren't anything serious. Roll on Thursday so I can get the scan done!
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I was a bit panicky last night because I thought the cramps were increasing in intensity but then back to "normal" cramps again and no bleeding since. Cramping seems normal for most ladies from what I've gathered so far. Just hoping that the ones last night weren't anything serious. Roll on Thursday so I can get the scan done!

I bet you'll feel so much better after seeing the heart beat on the screen. Good luck xx
Thanks holly. I really am quite worried. Less than 48 hours to go. Woo hoo!
How are you feeling today Mel? This heat is so tiring I can't decide if it's a tired pregnant feeling or just a general heat induced tiredness. I started feeling a little sick when I was hungry today and I've been super bloated. Also had some little light stabbing pains in right ovary area again..... it will be about 6 weeks until I get my scan gahhhhh x
I've been feeling okay today actually, but have had occasional cramps which have made me think far too much about what's going on inside. I'm sure it's fine, at least that's what I keep telling myself. But the heat has worn me out these past few days.

Hoping you aren't feeling too bad other than tiredness. I have been feeling a little nauseated early on
In the day when hungry too Xxx
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I'm 4+3, not really having many symptoms at the moment. Get a slight pinching every now and then, my boobs feel fuller and my sense of smell is different. I've worried a couple of times that I should have more symptoms and is everything ok, but I guess it's so early that maybe they've just not kicked in yet.

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