Symptoms for ladies due Feb 2018

Im 7 weeks today and cant eat! No vomiting, i have passing nausea but passes really quickly. I just cant eat. Craved a nice crisp salad today, made it....couldnt eat more than 3 forkfuls! I feel hungry but as soon as food hits i feel really full and cant eat. 😑
Im 7 weeks today and cant eat! No vomiting, i have passing nausea but passes really quickly. I just cant eat. Craved a nice crisp salad today, made it....couldnt eat more than 3 forkfuls! I feel hungry but as soon as food hits i feel really full and cant eat.
Does anyone else feel quite cold at times? There are times, especially at night, where I am freezing and so are my feet! Im wrapped up like an onion now. Must be because all the heat and energy is going to the baby I guess?
I second the cold thing. I get so cold I shiver. Thought it was just me. I was wondering could it be low blood pressure? Also heard it's common when iron is low. Hoping it is just one of those pregnancy things. But I'm here wrapped up like a bug in a rug. X
New symptom for me...hayfever!! I never suffer with it, but the last few days I've had a really itchy nose and a few bouts of sneezing!
Nausea quite bad today! 7+3 honestly thought I was going to hurl on the way home from work, was looking around the car to see was there anything I could vomit into, put my coat on my lap but managed to hold it. Have to say pregnancy is so glamorous :(

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