Someone reassure me I've not done the worst thing.
Last time round I had horrible morning sickness. I didn't end up dehydrated fortunately, but I could barely eat and drink and life completely sucked. Fortunately I didn't live too far from where I worked and I changed my working hours and I got through it (though mostly sat in the toilet at work).
This time I work a lot further away and can't change my working pattern. I also can't afford to just not function at life. I have a toddler and a bigger house to look after.
So, I've done some research and there's a travel sickness tablet they prescribe (Promethazine) for morning sickness and I've bought it over the internet. I've taken it for the past 4 days and feel so much better. I'm still sick occasionally, selective about what I feel like I can drink and feel incredibly bloated and uncomfortable if I eat but I can cope with life.
I've figured if I did manage to persuade a health professional to listen to me (which they didn't last time and it would be weeks before I get a doctors appointment) this is what they would prescribe anyway so I'm not doing anything wrong by baby but I feel so guilty