

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2017
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Hi Ladies,

What’s everyone’s experience on having sweeps and if it does anything?? I’ve been offered to book one in for my due date next week and for 41 weeks, doesn’t seem proven to bring on labour but thought nothing to lose?

I’m getting impatient and hoping will start labour! X
they're not pleasant... and there's not actually that much evidence to support it as an effective method of inducing labour
probably just as likely to move things along with a brisk walk x
i'd say you've nothing to lose so go for it!
Mine was uncomfortable but only for a minute. I went into labour the next day but tbh I was 41+2 anyway so I personally don't think the sweep did anything. That being said I'm starting sweeps at 38 weeks this time round (consultant recommended long story ha)
I found it uncomfortable and it had no effect if I'm honest xx
Can I ask a stupid question and ask what exactly a sweep is/does? :(
i'm sure someone else will have a better medical explanation but they use a finger to mess about with the cervix and try to loosen it a bit?
about 40% of sweeps work.
The midwife attempts to locate the cervix. If it is reachable she will then attempt to insert a finger into the cervix if it is open enough. Typically, with people that have had babies before, the cervix remains open enough to fit a finger tip inside, with first time mum's its not always the case.
Once the midwife managed to get her finger into the cervix, she will run her finger around the entrance of it, trying to stir up a prostaglandin response - one of the contributors to labour cocktail of hormones.
I'm not a fan personally (a) as a midwife or (b) as someone who has received one. But still preferable to induction of labour. Sex is a better option.
Mine was painful and did nothing for me. Close friend of mine had it with her 2 kids and went into labour the next day x
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Thanks for explaining it to me :)

TBH it doesnt sound like something I would want, I hope they're optional haha xx
they are definitely optional Laura. I think by that point lots of women are willing to give anything a go to get things going
Thanks for explaining it to me :)

TBH it doesnt sound like something I would want, I hope they're optional haha xx

100% optional, as is induction of labour. No one can MAKE you do anything, ever.
Thanks for explaining it to me :)

TBH it doesnt sound like something I would want, I hope they're optional haha xx

100% optional, as is induction of labour. No one can MAKE you do anything, ever.

1000000000% this..

I'm quite worried as I generally go over 40 weeks...my midwife is insisting that I will not be ALLOWED a home birth and that I MUST get an induction if I go over 42 weeks!

The language needs to be changed because it makes ladies feel as though they're powerless, words have more weight behind them than people realize especially when they're coming from a medical professional.

Sweeps aren't that great tbh...generally women who have them are due to have baby any day so what's to say it isn't simply a case of causation and correlation? there's no way to tell how many actually 'work'
I had 2 with my first which didn't start labour. He was born 42 w exactly. I was induced but it was very fast. I always say I think the sweeps did help the process.

With my second I got a sweep - MW says she couldn't reach my cervix and it was a failed sweep. Came home went into labur that night and had him 2 days later naturally. The MW who did my 'failed sweep' attended for my first visit the Monday morning she was surprised :lol:

I always think I've nothing to lose but I was proper angry when I'd spent an hour attempting to shave overdue for a failed sweep lol then I was raging I was in pain. I'd deffo do them again on the future.

yucky lol you ladies that have them are brave!
I had ONE and NEEEEEVER again!!! just having someone's hand up your foof is unnatural and so unpleasant
Thanks for explaining it to me :)

TBH it doesnt sound like something I would want, I hope they're optional haha xx

100% optional, as is induction of labour. No one can MAKE you do anything, ever.

1000000000% this..

I'm quite worried as I generally go over 40 weeks...my midwife is insisting that I will not be ALLOWED a home birth and that I MUST get an induction if I go over 42 weeks!

The language needs to be changed because it makes ladies feel as though they're powerless, words have more weight behind them than people realize especially when they're coming from a medical professional.

Sweeps aren't that great tbh...generally women who have them are due to have baby any day so what's to say it isn't simply a case of causation and correlation? there's no way to tell how many actually 'work'

Yes this is my problem when you have no benchmark. We don’t know if these ladies would have laboured anyway.
God..... the language issues are huge. It’s so important to talk to people in a positive way - it’s one of the most special experiences of peoples lives fgs.
it's a shame... because there are good, understanding midwives out there!

My mum is one of the old fashioned ones, she's strict and gives little explanation for things other than that's just how they do things..I love her because she's my mum but she pressured me soooo much to have the sweeps/inductions with my son and you sometimes feel like you can't say no or you're made out to be irresponsible or that you don't know what's best for your baby...

Princess do you mind if I pick your brains a little bit?
I definitely don't want to be having an induction but my midwife said it's very dangerous after 42 weeks as there's increased risk of stillbirth, is there not new research to suggest that the placenta doesn't actually age and as long as monitoring is done that it isn't dangerous at all?
Wow thanks for all your thoughts ladies, it is definitely optional. I’m planning to have it, do lots of activity then come home and dtd with hubby!!

I’ve forgotten exactly what they feel like as 4 years ago but remember it being a little unpleasant, just need to lie back and think of something else!
Wow thanks for all your thoughts ladies, it is definitely optional. I’m planning to have it, do lots of activity then come home and dtd with hubby!!

I’ve forgotten exactly what they feel like as 4 years ago but remember it being a little unpleasant, just need to lie back and think of something else!

It feels like they are reaching for your tonsils, from memory!
it's a shame... because there are good, understanding midwives out there!

My mum is one of the old fashioned ones, she's strict and gives little explanation for things other than that's just how they do things..I love her because she's my mum but she pressured me soooo much to have the sweeps/inductions with my son and you sometimes feel like you can't say no or you're made out to be irresponsible or that you don't know what's best for your baby...

Princess do you mind if I pick your brains a little bit?
I definitely don't want to be having an induction but my midwife said it's very dangerous after 42 weeks as there's increased risk of stillbirth, is there not new research to suggest that the placenta doesn't actually age and as long as monitoring is done that it isn't dangerous at all?

There's nothing in the NICE guidelines to suggest that beyond 42 weeks is 'very dangerous' there have been a few trials on placental sufficiency, which foucs on the outcomes for baby and the instances of meconium aspiration post dates. NICE recommends that women should be offered induction of labour between 41 and 42 weeks but this should be in accordance with the woman's preference.
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