Are you scared?

I was scared about giving birth, but after a hypnobirthing course I am feeling quite confident about it. Millions of women do it every day, our bodies are designed to give birth. I can appreciate your fears, but try not to worry. Read up, go to your classes and be as prepared as you can. You will be ok! :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
I watched the Kizzy programme too but I think they deliberately played up how painful the labour was to scare young girls as the documentary was aimed at preventing teen pregnancy.* I have to admit I was quite impressed with Kizzy and thought she was a great mum.
This is our first baby. Everyone keeps asking me if I am scared but Im not at the moment - I am looking forward to it!!!! I am sure that when it does start and I know Im going to hospital I will probably be pooing my pants! But even peoples horror stories havent scared me yet. I know that it will be worth it in the end!!

I think my OH is scared though! He hates hospitals - even visiting people.
I watched the Kizzy programme to and it scared the sh*t out of me.
It's been 12 years since I gave birth so I really have forgotten what it was like - although I was lucky and I gave birth in 1hr 43mins.

Now i've just read Carly's birth story and that freaked me too!!!
My OH is feeling nervous, he wasn't there for James' birth so it will be his first experience. I think it's the fear of the unknown.
I want a home birth but he's insisted I go to the midwife unit cos a home birth will worry him too much :(
I watched the same program. I must admit I did feel sorry for her not only were her brothers taking the brunt for her being a teenage mum but also when she went into labor I thought it was a little unfair her parents telling her how stupid she had been, not really the time or the place for that conversation!

Poor girl having that rash all over her stomach *ouch*

I was not shocked in the slightest that she ended up being cut three times. I personally thought she was doing really well at home and didn't really understand why it was necessary for her to go to hospital.

I hope you are able to gain some confidence from going to the birthing classes. But I would recommend that you do some reading, buy some books, make some notes. I have been reading a book since early pregnancy which has proved invaluable to me. Its called Birthing from Within by Pam England.

No one can predict what kind of birth you will have because every birth is different. But educating yourself instead of worrying about the unknown works wonders in giving you piece of mind. Remember this is your birth not anyone else's. :hug:

Don't feel ashamed if you feel drugs will help you. I'm sure you have heard untold stories of births going wrong. I tended to listen but not really apply them to my pregnancy. Why would I, I'm not them and they are not me. I must admit I was rather annoyed when a relative suggested to me that because I had bought the pram about three weeks ago (it was in the sales and I wanted to save some money) that somehow I am jinxing the pregnancy. My instant response to them was 'so now I've bought the pram the baby is going to die!' :rotfl: I know I've just contradicted myself but its unbelievable the silly things people say to you when you are pregnant!

Have you thought about who you would like to be at the birth?
Well I went to my anti natal class. It’s a rolling course, and you just go whenever you want, so last night was actually the last week; week 6. It was a chat form the health visitors, but I found it really useful, and I’m glad I went. Next week is the beginning of the course, they will be covering labour over the next 2 weeks, so I’ll definitely be going to those two classes!

I was only planning on having my husband there for the birth, I don’t trust anybody else to be there with me, or feel comfortable enough for anyone else to be there. Who is everybody else having there? My only problem is that my husband works on 24hr call out, throughout Wales and south west England, so any day he could be working 5 hours away. I’m worried that when the time comes and I go into labour, he’ll be hours away. I am right in thinking thou, that labour is usually quite a long process, and if I get in contact with him when my contractions start, he’ll likely get back in time? What do you think?

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