Stressed out when on the boob


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2008
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Dont really know whats going on. Since i got mastitis last week, Dylans been really stressed out when feeding. He goes on the boob, has a few sucks, then takes himself off to scream for a minute or 2 then goes back on for a few sucks, comes off and screams ect he does this all the way through a feed so it takes forever and is really hard work for us both. I know that he is getting some milk as i hear him swallowing and im using nipple shields and theres always a little milk in the end. Eventually after 40mins or so i just settle him on my shoulder but i know he would keep sucking if he was there so dont want him to still be hungry but then again he seems fine afterwards so i just dont know.
I will try letting him feed in different positions but i dont know whats up with him he gets so frustrated.
Thanks in advance for any advice :)

by the way, dont know if the mastitis is related but thought id mention it as it seemed to happen at the same time
Hi Keelie. This happened to me when Lottie was about 5 weeks. I posted a question on the forum. I have included this link and another link for a similar question. For me it lasted about 3 weeks but not at every feed. It gradually got better. I was encouraged to persevere and am so glad I did as it sorted it self out and I have now been bfing for 6 months. At the time it was driving me mad as I could not find a reason for it, all the advice was that it was a quiet common and that it would pass and it did. I hope it gets better for you soon, :hug: :hug: viewtopic.php?f=55&t=92003 viewtopic.php?f=55&t=96598
Thanks for that, really helpfull feel much better now.
Hopefully it will just pass then. il just carry on feeding him and we'll both just have to be patient until this phase passes. Thanks Siany xx

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