One empty boob..


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2010
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Its gone completely blah! And if i put alanna on it, she sucks for a little bit then gets frustrated pops off and tries to relatch, and it goes on and on till i put her on the other boob.. so i dont think theres anythin in that one!

When i was in hospital i expressed to pick up my supply.. was thinking about doing that again.. but whats the best way to do it so that i dont take what she needs for feeds? she isnt feeding on that one.. so shalli just pump that one when shes on the other one?
Hmmm that's annoying! Is there anything in it? Think I'd try expressing from that one and see what happens? X
I guess you could wait for a couple of hours and then try expressing from it...?
i got.. a dribble.. that was it. didnt even cover the bottom of the lil cup on the pump. can get a few drops by hand still but nothing useable :(
I cant remember what its called (which isnt very helpful sorry) but you can take it and it will increase your supply, so might get that one boob up and running again :) It begins with f. Ive heard great things about it.
Fenugreek.. Yeah im lookin at that at the moment, not sure yet, might get some tomorrow while im out and about
My supply is Crap Atm due to lots of stress i've started taking Fenugreek yesterday and it seems to be helping x
i only get milk from one boob but the bf adviser told me still pop on tho as it can come back athough mine didnt
Yeah it is tablets but you can get a it as a tea Aswel x
My MIL told me the other day that she had to give up breastfeeding because she didn't have enough milk and apparently it turned out it was because she wasn't drinking enough water to keep her fluids up. Now my OH is constantly putting pints of water in front of me lol :)
I agree with Bex, I've noticed if I don't drink at least 2 litres a day my supply is affected.

I'm drinking more water, taking fenugreek and eating oats and it's really helping.

I know it's really hard too but try sleep when she sleeps. It really helps you recover and the supply build back up.

Good luck hun, you're doing brilliant you know. A lot of people would've given in xxx

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