Spd / pgp???


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2010
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I am sitting here with tears rolling down my face, i can't help it the pain is awful. I had lower back pain, that caused a lot of pain into the hip, my bum and down my top half of my leg. But now it is both sides, both bum cheeks and i am struggling to get around. Which ever side i lay down on at night feels bruised. Turning in bed wakes me up and i am just in so much pain. Sitting hurts, standing hurts, I can't stop moaning and feel awful about it. I so hope this isn't SPD / PGP.

Does this sound like SPD / PGP??? Any advice on how to ease the pain if it is?? I have my 31 week check up on Friday, assuming i can last that long i will talk to my GP then.
It does sound like spd honey x I would got to gp asap if it's painful enough to cause this much distress! Massive hugs x
I've got this but yours sounds more like sciatica :( you poor love. Go to your dr who'll be able to prescribe you something. I know the roilling over in bed thing....agony :( :hug:
Aww *hugs* hun, haven't had this but it sounds bad enough to go to gp now I reckon!
Thanks ladies, i can't get anything before Friday so will speak to the Doctor then. I have found out a back support thing, which sits across your hips / pelvis area, so pop this on when walking, which helps a little. Feels like everything is being held together :S
Awww - you poor thing. I am definitely starting to feel more uncomfortable now but you sound like you're in a load of pain!

Hope the doctor can help you out.

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