sooo confused! and docs are closed till tuesday! please help!


Jan 1, 2012
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Hey there,

Right I had a baby girl on 28th July this year, I had the coil fitted september time but had it taken out in october, had a 4 day bleed which started 28th october, then nothing since have done about 4 tests throughout nov/dec last one being around the 15th dec, all neg did one yesterday and today and both positive?! But with my previous daughters the result came up straight away these ones took the full 3-4 mins too show? Any advice?

Laura xxx
Mmm take a frer and digi to be sure. Sounds like a bfp, which brand did you use?x
I used a clear blue digi on the 15th and that said neg? This time I used tesco own. Sorry I'm no good at this, what bfp?
Bfp - big fat positive. Could be that your cycles were strange because of coil being removed and you ovulated later than you assumed you had? Cb digital gives you a straight answer no maybes!
Thanks for that :) If I am I just have no idea how far I am so I think a cb digi is the best thing too do and take it from there :) so is it possible too ovulate without having a period?
yes becuse you ov before your period I woud try another digi!!xx
Yes its just I had a 4 day bleed then missed my next period but had neg results now had positive ones
Yep I would go with digi. You might have delayed ovulating for a few weeks which is why you got neg then pos and u may only be a few weeks if other tests were neg. Good luck
Ok thanks a lot I think I could only be 4 weeks at the very most, if so this could be a very long pregnancy ha. Thanks a lot everyone xx
Might have been to early on 15th as can take a few weeks for implantation and then levels of hcg to rise
Right so done a digi and it says 3+ so that's 5+ weeks pregnant but don't get how when I did the digi 2 weeks ago and it was neg :-s
Not everyone shows up the hormones in their wee, my sister didn't til she was over 5 months gone lol.....cue panic buying :D
May have just been that the levels weren't high enough as digi's are the least sensitive out there! And had u have tested a few days later you would have git bfp! Congratulations
Ohhhh right, that prob explains it then :) thanks for all ur advice and help everyone xx

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