so confused am i or not please help

hmm strange for you to be bleeding on and off alot, I've never had this with either of my pregnancys x

Think you should camp out at A + E till you get some answers. Shame your doctor isn't taking you seriously x
I'm sure once you start having a bump and getting more positives on your tests you could take it all down to doctors so he could refer you again x hang in there hunny x
yeah the thing is i've took 16 tests and they all came bk positive except 4 which were negitive and i have had a wee bump for a good month or so and the doctors still keep telling me i'm either not pregnant or i have miscarried because it dosent come bk positive on there tests, i have asked for a blood test but they wont do it because there test is coming bk negitive x
hmm the only thing I can think of is on my instruction for Pregnancy strips I have it says you can get false negatives if the hormone levels are too high as in later pregnancy x
there also pretty much saying am getting fat and thats why my stomach is getting bigger x
a thought that maybe my HCG levels were low thats why they were coming back negitive i didnt know that if they were too high that you could also get a negitive result
have you tried to do a due date on the calculators. Give you an idea if pregnant how far you would be x
yeah and it works out i could be about 16 weeks, even more reason for me to try and find out sooner rather than later x
yeah its just very confusing but i will be making a doctors appointment so i can try and get it all sorted x

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