Hiya! im in the same boat and cant help but worry.
Im 18 years old and had a MMC at 17 weeks nov 5th 2008 but baby was only 9 weeks and was annoyed because i had all my dates right and the lady who scanned me said i was wrong! i knew i was 10 weeks but she said i was actually only 7 weeks and never offered me another scan til i started to bleed at 17 weeks, my little one had been gone for 8 weeks.
I then fell pregnant again in April 2009 with my daughter Scarlett, everything seemed fine i even had morning sickness for weeks with her, i had a suprise scan at 14 weeks and she was fine then when i was 20 weeks i didnt feel everything was ok so went to the midwives and again, i'd had a MMC, She died at 14-15 weeks and i had to give birth to her
Today i am 6 weeks pregnant with my 3rd baby, i am on 5mg folic acid and a low dose aspirin as my consultant couldnt find anything wrong and the autopsy came back she was healthy.
I cant wait to start feeling sick again so i know everything is ok but its impossible not to worry.
There are no statistics.. my consultant told me i have to think that this is my first pregnancy, i dont have more or less chance of having another MC than anyone else and just try to be positive!
I hope everything goes well for you at you're scan, dont be scared to ask them anything even if u think its going to annoy them.. aslong as you and your baby are safe thats all that matters
lots of love and luck to you all
and lots of floaty kisses to your angels in heaven