So are you girlies in Tri 1 hoping for...


Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2010
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a girl or a boy? :D

At first I wanted a boy, a wee boy to go out and play football with his daddy lol :) but then I saw such cute little girlie dresses and changed my mind lol! Plus OH has 7 nephews, so a girl would be nice! Of couse I'll be happy either way though :)
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ive got 2 boys already

so i want a "PRINCESS!" now!

altho id be greatful for either lol! x
As long as baby poppy seed is healthy, we don't mind.

But - if I had to pick, I'd love a girl x
OH wants a did i but now i want a girl lol because everyone is having boys, but got a feeling this is a boy! xxx
I feel like everyone seems to be having boys too!! xx
Is there any sites that tell you how many boys and how many girls are born each year or anything? x
a girl :) but aslong as the bubba is healthy il take a boy or a girl anysay :dance:
I feel like im having a boy. I don't mind either way at all and i am not finding out either! OH wants a girl... Loads of people seem to be shocked by this! xx
i am secretly hoping for a boy but only because there is only 1 nephew to 4 nieces between me and oh.

am so happy just to be pregnant and having our 1st baby though so aslong as happy and healthy can't ask for more.

As long as baby is healthly and happy we dont mind, but if I ad to choose which sex I would like it would be a boy! But like I say I am just so happy to be having a baby, I dont really care if its a boy or a girl!
I really would like to have one of each, but dont mind which comes first. So if it's a boy this time then a girl would be good next time and vice versa. My DH says he would prefer a girl but thinks it's a boy. But it being healthy is far more important to us than the sex.
Is there any sites that tell you how many boys and how many girls are born each year or anything? x

No idea? xx

I had a wee look but couldnt find anything, thought it would be interestin lol :) xx

i thought everyone has been having girls! we have 3 baby girls in mine and OHs families, there are about 4 people in tri 2 having girls and i have 2 pregnant friends both having girls! I want a boy just to be different! :)
We both think we're having a boy! TBH I haven't even thought about which i'd prefer because I think this is a boy! But if it's a girl i'd be just as excited! :)


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