Idea stolen from girls in Tri 2 ;o)

Ooh I was thinking pink for you Jenna. Ignore me though, I'm nearly always wrong :lol:
I'm really not sure to be honest. With Jessy from day 1 when I found out I was sure baby was a girl but this time I'm really unsure. I'll have a wild guess and say team blue this time
I reckon blue becaus eof how different I feel this time...
Put me down for Team Green. We plan to find out, but we want to keep it secret :shhh:
I think were going to be team blue.

All we want is a healthy baby. :wink:
I get a feeling i am having a boy, and will be waiting until baby is born to find out, we want it to be a suprise :lol: :cheer:
Updated - WOW - any girlies out there hearing pink pitter patter of tiny feet?? Or will the world become over run with boys? :lol:
ohh i love these games :lol:

can you put me down for team pink as i feel so different this time!! thanks xx
Ok - just answered my own question. Was talking to M&Ms online and randomly referred to baby as He. Just rolled off the tongue without even thinking.

So you'd better put me down for blue then!!!

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