Second Tri Scan Dates

Thanks for adding me...

I've also got my 4D scan booked for 2pm on the 10th October! Can't wait :cheer:

Can you add me please, got my 20 week anomaly scan on fri 7th at 3.15, i also know i'm on the pink team :dance:

I know it's ealy but can I please add mine, 2nd november at 10am (we are finding out the sex)
pilkers said:
Thanks for adding me...

I've also got my 4D scan booked for 2pm on the 10th October! Can't wait :cheer:

you've booked it :cheer: :cheer:

where u having it done?
oooh i have got one on the 8th october - 28 week scan - just to make sure the baby is growing ok. dont ask me the time though - i have no idea :doh: :doh:
hi ya !

got my 20 weeks scan 22nd oct ,

hossy wont tell me sex so awaiting a date for a babybond scan at 16ish weeks :cheer:
We have a scan on 21st September at 12.45 with BabyBond then our 20 week scan with the NHS on October 26th at 2.00pm. I just can't wait for the next one with BabyBond! It's a simple 2D scan but we get to see our baby and they will hopefully give us longer than the 3 minutes the NHS gave us at our 12 week scan!!
l*r, pilkers 4d scan is on 10th i think, not 20th :D
thanks kim, total pregnancy brain :doh: . and heres me thinking 'oh thats weird. pilkers and kim have their 4d scan at the same time on the same day!' :oops: .
little*red said:
thanks kim, total pregnancy brain :doh: . and heres me thinking 'oh thats weird. pilkers and kim have their 4d scan at the same time on the same day!' :oops: .

:rotfl: we both have it at the same place in preston too haha :lol:
little*red can we ask to make this thread a sticky so it's easy to find?
yeah sure
i would have asked before but i knew urchin was trying to keep the stickys to a minimum, but i'll ask her if its ok :D
Just looking at the dates etc. Isnt this tri nearly all expecting girls at the minute :)
I have just booked a 4d scan on the 20th October :D :cheer:

My mum is coming down from Scotland to visit that weekend so is going to pay :dance:

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