
I'm in the same boat as you Rosie's Mummy , I ask OH to give up smoking ( so we have a better chance of conceiving) and he says I can't i'm too addicted, He dosen't even try :( , He did say yesterday though that he was going to go to the doctors and start the stop smoking medication :) so I suppose I am rather pleased with him for the time being :rotfl:
i was you 3 years ago hun.
i had a chart on the wall on how many cigs i could have. the number went down each day untill it reached 0. you have done really well already hun.

good luck and stay strong :hug:
thanks for all the advice everyone it has been very helpful

well just to let everyone know i am now down to 1 cigarette now. After going for my scan the other day something clicked inside and i thought i cant do it no more to my wee baby so hopefully by next week its down to 0 WOOP CANT WAIT
With my first 2 pregnancy's i quit smoking as soon as i got my BFP, no problems or cravings just stopped, but as soon as i finish breast feeding i take them back up again. With this pregnancy i found it soooooo hard, my son was only 8 weeks old when i got my BFP so i had only just started smoking again and i was enjoying it.

I am ashamed to admit that until i was 22 weeks i was still having the odd ciggy but i have managed to kick them now. I had a lady from the NHS come to my house once a week and help me, i used nicotein gum to help me. I still crave terribly and i will be straight back on the fags once baby is out. I feel bad that it took me so long to quit but i am also proud that i managed it in the end. Good luck sweety xx
Well done getting down to the one a day, hope that you can finally kick that last one. I think changing your patterns helps, like if you usually have one after food try and do something else. Also reading up on the internet about the effects is good. I would also let your partner read the stuff as well, so when you might be really craving he can remind you of all the bad stuff.
I quit at the very start, and I know now if I had a cheeky one and my OH caught me, well, he would go insane.

Compared to a few years ago, our babies are so lucky with the smoking ban now. To think people could smoke in any restaurant or pub sat right next to you!

Last time I was pregnant, if I was going to a shop and a friend asked me to get her her cigs, I'd be so embarrassed with a bump buying them. I'd do this whole act of 'Oh, which brand did she say she has, hmmm' So they knew they weren't for me!
Well done adele. Thats fantastic news, down to just one.

Are you having the one all at once or staggering it throughout the day??
Well done adele. Thats fantastic news, down to just one.

Are you having the one all at once or staggering it throughout the day??

well it aint actually one its like less than half a draw from my boyfriend lol

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