woohoo finaly a non-smoker :D

well done!! :D its weird but ive never smoked but at the moment i like the smell of cigarette smoke! :|

This is an amazing achievement, not just for your baby but for you!!!

I've been a chain smoker for nearly 10 years, now I've been COMPLETELY smoke free for 1 1/2 years :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

:clap: :clap: WELL DONE HUNNI!!!

I also quit this week. Im on day 5 now and Im so proud of myself. I love that feeling of being able to actually taste and breathe! Keep it up babe

thanks all and good luck tillytots :d
hubby has also quit now lets see if we can both keep it up
manda xx
thanks hun, my OH has stopped too. Its so much easier that way. Just fight those cravings if you get them. Mine were at their absolute worst yesterday. I actually threw OH out last night but thankfully he returned this morning so alls well :D LOL

lol bless ya ive been doing really well not really wanted one at all more like going for one but then remembering i dont smoke nomore lol
manda xx
how long after you read the book did you quit? i've still yet to quit after many failed attempts but i really HAVE to.

I have the book you're on about but just don't seem to get the time to sit and read it, i suppose if i got my arse off here it would help :lol:

Did you still get the cravings? Its my willpower thats lacking BIG TIME, the cravings just get to me :oops:

Really pleased for you though, keep up the good work
nope no cravings at all after i had my fialy ciggie like it says in the book i havnet smoked since not even wanted to really
hubby is back on them though but banned from smoking in the house hes to week willed :(
manda xx
Well done hun!! :clap: :clap: :clap:

The first month or so are the hardest but if you can ignore those cravings they soon become less and less until one day u realise 'OMG I haven't even wanted a cig all day!' :D

I've now been stopped for 8 months and it doesnt bother me anymore, it doesnt enter my head at all and im so proud that i managed to do it and know that you will be too :)

Good luck, keep at it :dance:
its nice to no that others have gone threw the same hubby managed to resist a ciggie he brought some lollies instead hehe
good luck to all
manda xx
I had been on the patches for two months when I found out I was preggers. The GP said it was better, although not ideal to use patches rather than smoke during pregnancy. She gave me microtabs which are a better alternative as the baby isn't getting a continuous supply of nicotine, I've used them three or four times and not touched them since. Your LO deserves to have a smoke free mummy and as a confirmed heavy smoker with no will power, if I can do it so can you!! :cheer:
lol thanks i still aint touched a ciggie since bene washing everything today as i can smell smoke everywere :D
manda xx
manda224 said:
lol thanks i still aint touched a ciggie since bene washing everything today as i can smell smoke everywere :D
manda xx

Yeah its horrible aint it, once u dont smoke u realise what you must have smelled like when u did :puke:
i no as hubby stoppped a while after me i could smell it on him and on his breath i refused to kiss him lol
i do feel alot better for stopping though much healther cant wait to tell my dad as hes been pestering me about quiting
manda xx
hubby stopped with that book too! he hasn't touvhed one in 6 months and doesn't even crave one and he smoked big time!!! Well done manda..get the book anyone else who wants to give up!!!! :hug:
well done!

i smoked before and gave up 2 years ago, i cant stand the smell now, im soo anti smoking

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