You may think I'm bad, but I smoke cigarettes
I have tried all my life to quit and nothing has worked. I smoked all through my first pregnancy, and there were no problems apart from a low birth weight.
The doctors have even said I could cause more damage from the stress of not smoking, than I do smoking, and I reallly think this too.
When I try to quit smoking, I end up on the floor crying and hyperventiliting, and it's not nice at all
I have smoked for 13 years
I have tried all my life to quit and nothing has worked. I smoked all through my first pregnancy, and there were no problems apart from a low birth weight.
The doctors have even said I could cause more damage from the stress of not smoking, than I do smoking, and I reallly think this too.
When I try to quit smoking, I end up on the floor crying and hyperventiliting, and it's not nice at all
I have smoked for 13 years