quitting smoking


Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2006
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You may think I'm bad, but I smoke cigarettes

I have tried all my life to quit and nothing has worked. I smoked all through my first pregnancy, and there were no problems apart from a low birth weight.

The doctors have even said I could cause more damage from the stress of not smoking, than I do smoking, and I reallly think this too.
When I try to quit smoking, I end up on the floor crying and hyperventiliting, and it's not nice at all

I have smoked for 13 years
Quitting smoking is very difficult. I know i've done it. I treis many many times over the years but the only thing that stopped me was getting pregnant. The guilt that it may harm my baby was enough to get me through it.
It takes alot of will power & the first few weeks are the hardest but after that it does get easier.

Whenever you crave a ciggie distract yourself with something else, eat some fruit, go for a walk that sort of thing. Talk to your doctor about it.

Be strong, you can do it.
Its a very hard thing to do honey, and i wish you all the best! I agree, distract yourself from it! I used to smoke alot due to boredom or just the fact of having nothing in my hands lol! Alot of people suck lollies or something when theyhave a craving. :hug:
nicki said:
Quitting smoking is very difficult. I know i've done it. I treis many many times over the years but the only thing that stopped me was getting pregnant. The guilt that it may harm my baby was enough to get me through it.
It takes alot of will power & the first few weeks are the hardest but after that it does get easier.

Whenever you crave a ciggie distract yourself with something else, eat some fruit, go for a walk that sort of thing. Talk to your doctor about it.

Be strong, you can do it.

seconded, I was the same. Now after 3 months without, i wonder why it was so hard and peeps say to me ''are you gonna start again after its born'' and I say ''no way hosey'' lol I can even sit in the pub with people smoking now and it isnt so bad
i'm finding it very hard to give up smoking. I had my first scan yesterday so I feel more guilty then ever. I just had my first ciggy of the day but it make me throw up hopefully that will keep happening so I wont have a choice but to give up.
I gave up as son as i found out i was pregnant and found it easy but attempts before been pg had always failed.

good luck hun
i gave up smoking this time when i was about 10 weeks pregnant, i found it very hard but i done it in the end, but just before xmas i started again, but im trying to quit again now im only on 2-3 a day and hopefully i should have quite again by the end of next week.
i smoked with my other pregnancys and they were average birth weights 7lb, 7lb 1.5oz and 7lb 5oz, my two girls are fine but my son has had breathing problems since he was 10 days old and they think he may have ashma but they said he is too young at the moment to diagnose it, so i feel guilty every day for that and feel guilty everytime i have a fag in this pregnancy.

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