Smoking during pregnancy

If smoking isn't dangerous during pregnancy, and plenty of people smoke when they are pregnant and give birth to normal healthy babies, does that mean we can actually smoke around our kids and not make them ill? :think: :think: :think: Do the smokers on here smoke around their children?

No ones perfect... certainly not in the stakes of parenting, but I would wonder why people feel this need to quit smoking if it's ok to smoke around children and babies...??

I suppose the medical profession could have made a mistake, the same as in the MMR... ? Maybe the whole thing about cancer is a lie too...? Who knows... I also believe the world trade centre was blown up, but most people think I'm a conspirisit.. but hey :roll:

Quiting isn't as hard as people make out.. I can assure you that quiting other more intoxicating drugs is by far a more difficult battle... I still crave drugs I took back when I was 17 and I haven't used them for more than 11 years now... Whats even harder is self harming, and its a battle that is not linked with the chemical its linked in the mental and its a battle that's fought on a daily basis for the rest of your life.

But I quit smoking when I started TCCing...and got by on chewing gum and lollipops... (I think nicotine gum was pointless and it tasted bad :puke: )..and you want to know why I quit... Not for some glorified reason that smokers love their babies less... no... because I was sick and tired of being bombarded with people asking when I would quit, the stench on my clothes, my yellow teeth and fingers, the constant dust from the ashtrays.... It just all got to me and I'd had enough... So I quit and I think that is what made it easy... I didn't do it for a baby I did it for me...
i was a smoker and i loved it!
however, being pregnant and being a mum is more important than a habit. it harms babies end me theres no defending it or excusing it, its wrong.

it was absolute hell for me to quit, i was the most evil nasty person for weeks, i hated it and was the most difficult thing ive done but i did it.
i would never touch a fag now cos i think about how awful it was to stop and would never want to do that again.

good luck and be strong.
rachelandjarvis said:
firstly id lik to give pink lady a massive hug :hug:

Im quite disgusted with this thread and some people on it jumping the gun to start hailing insults and suggestions that she mustnt love her baby enough cos she smokes. because somone has a problem with quitting smoking (which btw fooking thousands apon thousands of people do have a problem quitting everyday - theres some reports that it is addictive as herion ffs.) And start bringing up babies that have died! WTF? this has no relation to smoking whatsoever.
And if your one of the VERY few who could quit right away without a problem well well done, great, your so fooking perfect. Oh and you love your child more then me obviously. :roll: :roll: FFS.

I didnt quiet through Hannah - i went from 15 aday to 1 aday. And im still at that 1. Of a night before bed. Oh and i had a prefectly healthy baby who weighd 8lbs8oz - and she hasnt so much as had a sniffle in her four months on this planet.

Anyway - sending you hugs P.L and all the best with quitting :hug: :hug:

your language is disgusting, dont swear at people trying to help others. i dont think that anyones prefect.. but i think that people who quit straight off for the health of their children are a damn site more fair to their child that someone who continues to smoke...even one a day.. yeah fair enough people cut back.. but ur still putting toxins into your childs blood stream.. u may as well be drinking or taking drugs. and scientific evidence has proved it..

now id appreciate it if you stoped swearing like that.. yeah most of us do swear but i find direct langauge such as that to forum members insulting.
ooooh :shock: please stop this i wish i never started this topic its obvs very sore subject... try not to argue sweeties xxxx
Josephine_Beth said:
i doubt smoking has an effect on an unborn baby to be honest.

:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

Could you show us some proof of your theory that smoking has no effect on an unborn baby?

I found this on google....

How smoking harms the unborn baby

Babies born to mothers who smoke:

* are more likely to be born prematurely and with a low birth weight (below 2.5kg or 5lb 8oz).

* have a birth weight on average 200g (7oz) less than those born to non-smokers. This effect increases proportionally - the more the mother smokes, the less the child weighs.

* have organs that are smaller on average than babies born to non-smokers.

* have poorer lung function.

* are twice as likely to die from cot death. There seems to be a direct link between cot death and parents smoking.

* are ill more frequently. Babies born to women who smoked 15 cigarettes or more a day during pregnancy are taken into hospital twice as often during the first eight months of life.

* get painful diseases such as inflammation of the middle ear and asthmatic bronchitis more frequently in early childhood.

* are more likely to become smokers themselves in later years.

In addition, pregnant women who smoke increase their risk of early miscarriage.

In later pregnancy, smoking mothers are at increased risk of the baby's placenta coming away from the womb before the baby is born (placental abruption). This may cause the baby to be born prematurely, starve of oxygen, or even to die in the womb (stillborn). ... moking.htm
LOL two things that should never be brought up on a pregnancy forum...

Which is best, breast or bottle
smoking during pregnancy...

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: *sigh* hormones :roll: pssff Don't ever get Midna started on this stuff, she scares even me... :shock:
We could start on sedating our children and whether that's as successful as this one.. No wait...we did that already... :rotfl: It wasn't!! :rotfl:
I not scared of anyone on here at all lol its a computer im sure if these people where in front of u they wouldnt have two words to say to ya everyone is there own person and have there own opions i guess
Everyone has there own opions etc...there really is no point in carrying this on hun all i wanted was opinions lol
Pinklady85 said:
I not scared of anyone on here at all lol its a computer im sure if these people where in front of u they wouldnt have two words to say to ya everyone is there own person and have there own opions i guess

certainly not me... I hate speaking to other people.... I turn to mush!
Wow just read back to see what's been said since I posted the other day..My oh my :shock: How's the quitting going Pinklady?
Its the hardest thing in the world :( i hate it im so stressed and bitchy :cry:
Squiglet said:
LOL two things that should never be brought up on a pregnancy forum...

Which is best, breast or bottle
smoking during pregnancy...

I do believe you missed out working versus stay-at-home mums :wink:

Good luck to everyone who's trying to quit :D
Hi Pinklady,

I got stressed and bitchy when I quit too, it didnt help when my dh kept throwing me "the look" every time I went in the garden for my "last fag". :rotfl:

I found going out into the garden to smoke quite helpful in giving up, I have never smoked in the same room that my children are in, so always smoke outside, not surprising then that I gave up in the middle of winter :moon:

Good luck, x

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