Smoking cold turkey?


Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2010
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Well I have gone cold turkey from smoking for 3 days now but today it has gotten really hard i feel like i am going to have a nervous breakdown, can it actualy harm my baby if i just quit like that? :( i really need to smoke! but i dont want to at the same time
no it wont hurt you or baby hun nicotine leaves sytem within about 12hours so it the mental craving your fighting stay strong your baby will ty if it could as it no longer floating around in your smoke
It gets hard towards the end of the first week, but keep going, youve done well just to get through the first few days. My sister gave up 3 weeks almost 4 weeks ago now and shes found it so difficult but shes stuck with it and is so proud of herself.

Just keep going and thinking of your little one. I havn't smoked now in 8 months and feel fab for it. :)
oooh forgot to say inhulaters may help if you get really bad
Inhaltors give you nicotine and start you back where you were.. you then have to quit those..

Same with patches, and gum , they get you off cigarettes sure, but now your addicted to them instead.

I know its tricky, but try not to think about it, keep yourself busy, the more you think "God id would be nice to have a smoke now" or "Wow i havent had a smoke yet" the more you will want one.

I didnt make aplan to quit, or even decide to quit, i just stopped thinking about it, and quit without even noticing!
going cold turkey too! well did, i found out i was pregnant at like 4 weeks, so didnt touch one until the other day when i gave in, and was vigerously sick afterwards, so havent wanted any more since! so was quite easy for me as i associate throwing up with cigarretes now so going to try and quit for the rest of the time and beyond! stay strong my friend you can definately do it! xx
Well done you Charlene - don't give up npw, you have lasted 3 days and things should start tipping up the other way now, you don't want to do those 3 days again, hang in there and keep busy instead, why don't you give us a daily update to keep you going X
I stopped the day I found out I was pregnant with my eldest. I think it goes like this - 3days, 3 weeks, 3 months.....when you hit each of these milestones it's significant. 3 days is brilliant. You need to think about yourself as well as the baby - you are doing good for both of you. My husbands friend's wife is very very ill with cancer and had a baby just a few weeks before I had Sidney. She's facing not seeing her little girl grow up - she may never even remember her. she never smoked either and had no family history of cancer. I'm not saying I found it easy but your LO should be the best motivation ever. You have done really well to do 3 days chick!!!
well i have gone 5 days and dont even want one no more i feel fine :)
well done you! anyone can do it if they put their mind to it with a lot of will power xx
well i have gone 5 days and dont even want one no more i feel fine :)

Hurrrah Well done you- that's fab news !

Put the same money you would spend in a jar to treat both you and baby as a reward if you can afford it, or you won't nottice the difference in money soonX
:yay: Well done Charlene, I'm off them over a year now :) And looking back I am so proud of myself :) You will too! And we're always here if the cravings come back xx
Well done! :yay: I quit within 2-3 days after getting our BFP in Dec last year and i've never looked back. I've tried quitting countless times before but I found quitting whilst pregnant the easiest - think the continuous morning sickness had some part in that but still, i've not touched one since :D

I get the occassional cravings but I just have to look at my bump and the thought goes away VERY quickly! lol!
Well done you! The money you save will go on some lovely bits for the baby and you will prob feel so much better once you get passed the difficult stage!
well done everyone keep the good work will be well worth it in the end xxx
IVE DONE IT!!!! :) not smoked now for 9 days and dont need one what so ever , when i walk past people now and see them smoking I have to say "ewww your dirty" I dont know why but the thought of me smoking now knocks me sick, babys heartbeat as got alot healthier aswell and he has become alot healthier, so no smoking for me.. not risking my babies life for my own pleasure.. anyway how is everyone getting on? sorry i havent been on (not that anyone may have noticed haha!) but i have been really tired these last few days with the amount of food i have been eating and stuff
Well done charlene...keep it up...dont worry hun u get ur rest and take it

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