Small for dates again!

JJ Mum

Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2010
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Well just had my long awaited 3rd Midwifes appointment today , it's been 10 weeks since my last one!

I am 27 weeks and measured just 24 weeks, so I am now off for a scan on wednesday morning next week to check out baby.

I am always down as small for dates , so not too worried, but they were slightly right with my last baby and she was 5 lb 15 oz when born at 38 weeks, so I guess worth checking out incase.

Heard the HB tho 148 bpm , was really loud , so lovely

she took more bloods for my antibodies , and hopefully they will check the levels this time, as my hosp and midwifes are in different towns and don't talk to each other, so every time I get blood taken, I get no results and they don't talk to each other!! I have to pass on the message nehxt week that midwife wants me tested every 4 weeks now , instead of once in a blue moon!:whistle:
Hope the scan goes well! Ive measured small with both my pregnancies. With lacey she was still born 7lb 7oz and 56cm so im not bothered with them saying this one's small cos i bet he'll still be a heffer!!
good luck for the scan hun! alot of the girls have measured small and still had good size babies :hugs:
I am measuring small too by 2 cms! Not too bothered really, I'm sure knowing my luck it will be a 10lb or something x
Good luck hun, I'm measuring small but the baby was scanned and is supposed to be a normal size.
They say 3cms either way is normal, so i wouldnt worry too much hunny....always nice to have an extra scan though:wink:
I'm measuring small this time, had a scan a couple of days ago and it's estimated he'll weigh 7lb 11oz!
i'm measuring about 3.5cm too small at the moment, i was referred by my GP for a scan last thursday and i'm still waiting for the scan to happen.......I have measured small with all three of my previous pregnancies and they ended up being not too bad weights 6lb 10oz, 6lb 4oz and 4lb 1oz (but he was 6 weeks early)
I have been measuring small since week 20 but it was picked up on a scan I feel really lucky that I am getting a good eye kept on me and the baby with the weekly doppler scan and growth scan every 2 weeks xx
Thanks girls, lots of us in the same boat then! well it will be interesting to see what size babies you all have, Helen your first come on Seb! what do you think he will be ?

To be fair, he is overdue now!

Yeah all mine were supposed to be small for dates too butin the end I had a 7lb 2, 6lb 11 and a 5 lb 15 oz, was guessing perhaps because she was a girl perhaps as the reason, so assuming devon will be bigger like the others, had assumed beyond them too, and to be honest I am bigger bumped this time, than all the others ! (I think , as it's been sooo long!)
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It sounds silly but I don't feel like he's 7lb 11oz I think he'll end up maybe around that but don't feel like he is that now!

I've seen so many posts on here saying people have been told they'll have a big/small baby and they've ended up with the opposite or a 'normal' sized baby that I don't pit much stock in what they say! Lol!
They estimate withing 10 % is what i was told yesterday, but they often are wrong :) xx
I feel for you JJ, in a very similar position myself and have been in hospital for the last couple of days (I have another thread with the details!!)

I'm not small for dates after all!

Scan went really well, and baby measuring between 28 and 29 weeks she said! After all that, she thinks he will be my biggest baby! (that's what I thought based on my bigger bump!) baby is now breach so may be why my bump has shot up in size lately with big head at the top of my tum on the left !

Found a great site

Scroll down the bottom under fetal measurements - you can enter your scan measurements you get at 20 week or after growth scans and press enter against each one, and they give you a rough week guess based on that measurement!

Mine from today came out as below - (all my babies have big heads, but Devon was small headed at last scan which was strange! now he has made up for it with the head of a 31 weeker!!!

BPD in mm = 71 Gestational Age = 28.737680261 (Biparietal Diameter - width of slice of head)
HC in mm = 272 Gestational Age = 31.5691396864 ( Head circumference)
AC in mm = 239 Gestational Age = 27.914461425 (Abdominal Circumference)
FL in mm = 53.0 Gestational Age = 27.920437999999997 (Femur Length)

soo pleased , one down poitn, my OH decided not tok bother staying up after his night shift, and said he would leave it to me, so he missd the chance to see Devon one last time till we have him! I'm fuming.
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That's fantastic news - I'd say if you work out the average then Devon is between 28 and 29 weeks.

I had a look at that website last week and it is good - thought I'd include my measurements:
BPD in mm = 64 Gestational Age = 26.05 (Biparietal Diameter - width of slice of head)
HC in mm = 234 Gestational Age = 27.06 ( Head circumference)
AC in mm = 185 Gestational Age = 22.93 (Abdominal Circumference)
FL in mm = 41 Gestational Age = 22.94 (Femur Length)

That's fantastic news - I'd say if you work out the average then Devon is between 28 and 29 weeks.

I had a look at that website last week and it is good - thought I'd include my measurements:
BPD in mm = 64 Gestational Age = 26.05 (Biparietal Diameter - width of slice of head)
HC in mm = 234 Gestational Age = 27.06 ( Head circumference)
AC in mm = 185 Gestational Age = 22.93 (Abdominal Circumference)
FL in mm = 41 Gestational Age = 22.94 (Femur Length)


Thanks mabelstar good page isn't it - Ahh bless - your baby has slightly little legs and tummy, plenty of time to have a growth spurt like Devon Hun - don't worry, are they going to see you again to keep an eye on baby?

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