Small for Dates


New Member
Oct 13, 2008
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Hey im 32 weeks had my midwife appointment and she said i was small for my dates measuring 28cm. She sent me for a scan where they told me my baby has slight growth velocity. They say i have to see a consultant in 3 days.

Any one know what your supposed to measure as 32 weeks or what slight growth velocity is ?

Appreciate any responses.
It's meant to be 1cm to every week, so 32weeks is 32cm. I was 35cm at 41 weeks. I was told i was having a small baby and she was 8lb 3oz.
Try not to worry too much.
When i was carrying my daughter I always measured small for my dates, she was born at 39 weeks by elective c-section (she was also breech) and she was perfectly healthy, she was a small baby 5lb 12oz, but she soon started piling on the weight and has been the picture of health since birth. Any concerns you have just call your midwife/consultant and ask them to explain things clearly to you to help you understand exactly what it means.
I was small for my dates too according to the measurements but I personally felt my bump was a good size. I had a 6lb 110z baby at 40 + 1, they gave me a growth scan and reckoned she would be 7lb 7oz or thereabouts.

Try not to focus on it too much because the growth scans aren't very accurate and neither are the fundal measurements come to that.
i was measuring 5 weeks small from 32 weeks and i had my little girl at 41 weeks and she was a healthy 6lb 13oz and has put weight on brilliantly over the last 3 weeks.
i really wouldnt worry too much your baby will be fine im sure xx

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