Small for dates


Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2007
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I've just been to see my consultant and the midwife there measured me at 31 weeks (I'm 34) so they're sending me for a growth scan.......but not til 3rd July! So I have to wait and worry for a week and a half....

Last time I saw my midwife I was measuring 26 weeks at 29 weeks and she said it was normal because I'm small myself. So why do they have to make such a big thing out of it..?? I'm 5 feet 1 and small build, I'm not exactly gonna have a biff baby!

Has anyone else measured small for dates and does anyone know what happens if the scan shows the same? xx
Iv been measuring small too.
At 33 weeks I was measuring 29! Got sent for a scan and I was still about a week behind but they didnt seem too concerned.
At my last midwife appointment I was still measuring about 3 weeks behind but she wasnt worried as its been a steady growth.
Hope that makes sense! :lol:
I measured about 34-35 today at my appointment, the funny thing is I'm not that small (5ft7) and OH is 6ft 2 and 10lbs11 when he was born :? I've measured small throughout too though so I don't know where he baby is hiding??!?!?!?!

At least you get to see LO again which will be nice :D

Alex xxx
Thanks, am more reassured now.....I wish they wouldn't use these non-scientific methods to worry us! xxx
Ive been measuring small this time. Went to the midwife last week and measured 31 weeks too (i was 34). I was sent for a groweth scan which showed baby is a good size (5lbs). not too big or small.

Try not to worry hun, the measurements really arnt that accurate. On the plus side, you'll get to see your bubs :) We even saw hair this time!

Let us know how you get on.x
i measured small and had a growth scan which showed all was ok, good luck x
I measured small for dates, had a scan was told that i would have a 5-6 lb baby, i am small and lean and she was 8lb 12 a week early so dont worry yourself at all!!! :rotfl:

It'll be just fine! :hug:
Please please do not worry! I've been measuring small since I was 19 weeks and I put myself under so much stress from worrying about it so bloody much. If they were really worried they'd have gotten you in for a growth scan much sooner! :hug:

I wouldn't worry too much about it. I measured small with both my first and 2nd (very small with the 2nd) and I had 2 growth scans at about 37 and 38 wks that also showed that she was small, but healthy. All they did really was keep a very close eye on me - had to go to have traces every 3 days for the last 2 weeks of my pregnancy. I was told Rosie may only be 5lbs, and I think they had a doctor present at the birth but she was 6lbs 4, so not nearly as small as the scan said.

I'm like you, only very small, and it amazed me to think that I was expected to have a big baby!!! I hate all the growth charts - if you don't fit neatly onto them everyone begins to panic!!! Rosie has always been right on the bottom of the charts, and when she was about 7 months old I was accused of not feeding her enough but she eats like a horse and is still on the dotted line at 3 and a half and....... finally they've said that she's just destined to be small!!!!

Really, don't worry, trust your instincts and if you feel that everything is ok it very probably is!!
I was measuring 44 weeks on friday. Correlates ok with scan, saying bubs is big. But so is my liquor volume. I was worried about bubs size and was going to be induced....But now am just going to relax as they are often wrong. I think thi can be the same when you are told you are small. Don't let it get to you too much :hug:
^ Told you hun, those middys don't always know what their jabbering on about.

TBH like you said whats the point in even mentioning it until they think something is actually wrong, hopefully our bubbas will prove them wrong :)

Bah, you are only tiny yourself. I agree when you say you are hardly likely to have a biff baby! I'm sure all will go well for you :)
i'm in the same boat, been measuring on dates till last visit at 28weeks when i measured 26weeks.
got idwife on thurs and im hoping to be measuring better

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