should i be worried?


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2012
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So i posted yesterday about having sex then loosing greenish snotty discharge with blood in it well i have just been for a wee and when i wiped the full tissue was full of it then it was still coming out in huge amounts i wiped again and it once again filled the tissue i would say like 3/4 50ps together it still has blood streaks in it surely that cant be normal discharge can it, i havent got my midwifes number and dont want to worry the oh by saying we need to go to a and e, do you think.i should wait to see if it calms down just incase it was the sex that caused it just looks abit worrying, anyone else had it after sex? Sorry for the tmi xx
I'm not entirely sure but I seem to remember reading somewhere that you can lose bits of your plug from quite early on and it just grows back iykwim?

If its just after sex then maybe you've just irritated something? If your unsure just ring mw x
oh gosh that doesnt sound good. I have no idea though I am afraid, just didnt want to read and run.

can you maybe call our maternity ward at hospital and just ask for advice? I know my local maternity unit dont mind phone calls. They should have a better idea of what on earth that is. x
It does sound like you have dislodged your plug I think it really should be checked to insure the waters stay intact. I would call your local pregnancy assessment unit which is usuallly part of the maternity at the hospital as soon as possible nhs direct may be able to give you their number. Try not to worry too much , as I have also heard of a new plug growing back . Good luck xx
Phone the hospital and ask to be put through to the mw. It sounds like ur plug to me x

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You can lose your plug anytime and it doesn't mean out will go into labour. Ifmyoumare worried call your mw and check but it can be completely normal xx
You can lose bits of plug and it absolutely grows back. It does not mean your cervix will dilate and as long as you have no cramps or red blood loss I wouldn't worry xx
Thanks for replying ladies, cramps have stopped no blood is present anymore and cm gone back to normal so hopefully fingers crossed it was just abit of plug but hopefully still have alot to protect bubba, i have learnt my lesson and oh is back on sex ban until 37 weeks!! Can finally stop worrying think im slightly over paranoid and need to start thinking positively as all i do is worry xx
Sounda more like cervix erission, it is commonish in pregnancy after sex, although u dont need to.have sex for it to occur. .wouldnt worry about it, its just your cervix being sensitive.
You could possibly give your doc a urine sample to make sure there's no infection.


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