Sharne's Will be slim diary :) *Lost 4lbs in total*


Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2007
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So I have decided I don't want to do another diet, regime, however its put i just want to be more relaxed in my eating.

I don't buy into anything so easily, I don't believe in diets because i personally believe unless there is a direct cause to weight, if you have been overweight for some time then there is likely to be a mental issue behind it.

This weekend and a bit of last week I watched Paul Mckenna's I will make you thin, initially i thought yada yada whatever but alot of stuff he says makes sense and the 4 rules immediately appeal to me.

These are:
Eat when you are HUNGRY
Eat what you want
Eat consciously
STOP when you are full

So in a nutshell I have decided to start a diary, here for you all to tune into to :)

I am a bit shy as I don't want anyone to think its all about me but hopefully if I can lose weight with others watching it will inspire others to do the same.

I'll be weighing/ measuring myself tom.

Id also like to add I have'nt posted this anywhere else, I posted it here for the reason that I love this community and have received fab advice not only on parenting in the past...

so there I've posted now theres no turning back ;) eek!!!
Go Sharne!!!! That kind of positive attitude will set you up for a good and steady weight loss. :hug:
Hmmm think i might change thin to slim, I don't wanna be thin as such lol!!
Good luck Sharne!

I think P McK speaks a lot of sense in terms of weight loss.

Valentine Xxx
Hiya Sharne :wave:

Good luck with the slimming :) I've adopted Paul M's advice of eating consciously and stopping when I am full. Common sense really isn't it :) I'm slimming too but I'm trying the special K.

I'll enjoy watching your progress :D
Week ONE
Physically: Feel rubbish :puke:
Mentally: Feeling motivated! :cheer:
Lost 2lbs (was 13stone .5lbs) :cheer:
Today's Weight 12stone 12.5
Thoughts: Thank god I don;t have to see the evil number 13 again, I am NEVER touching that number again! :)

Well the good news is after following the program VERY loosely during the week I have already lost 2lbs! I didn't make that many changes etc I had no desserts during the week, this is from a person that would have dessert every bleeding day :oops:

I'm at home ill and normally I wold be chowing down on crusty rolls, hot drinks, biscuits, chocolate etc etc you name it, but I guess because i know i can have it if i really want it I'm not that bothered, funny how we want things more when its forbidden?

Last night was good, I had dinner and was shocked at how much i had left on my plate normally I would of just eaten every morsel and felt full later. :oops: I also find that because theres a potential of me leaving things I have started taking smaller portions and telling myself if I'm hungry I can go up and have more...

I had pancakes for breakfast this morning and not because I had to have them but fancied them.

Only thing I am going to be conscious of is to still remember to eat healthy, I know I can at what I want and I'm lucky in that i enjoy fruit and veg and going to increase my water intake.

Exercise is out of the question atm as I am poorly bit annoying really, but I did park the car further away from the shops when I popped out :)
Have decided to update weekly, daily is a bit ambitious atm lol! Im still going... :)
monster_munch said:
good luck! Xx

Thanks hon, i was VERY naughty today and weighed myself this morning and have lost another 1lb but it won't count until Monday! :pray:

This weekend should be interesting as its my birthday and im going out for not 1 but two meals!!! I defo think i know when im full as normally i keep going until I can;t eat anymore, but at least the stuff i won't eat I can bring home and enjoy...

Will make myself a bday cake but not unsure when I'll have a piece lol!!

Thanks for support

I hope you'll join me maybe after reading the book??
Well done Sharne!!

I lost 2lbs this week as well, despite being a total chocolate biscuit monster this week! :oops: I guess it goes to show that you can devour biscuits and still lose weight! :lol:
Well done Sharne I like the sound of your diet, I'm going to keep reading this and hope it motivates me too - keep it up :cheer:
I thought about this thread today, I came in from doing the school run this morning and was craving something to eat, toast or crisps etc - the thing is I had already eaten breakfast and I thought to myself I'm not even hungry - so I made a cup of tea instead :D whereas before I would have just got myself some naughty snacks out of boredom
Sharne you are doing so well, you sound so motivated too so keep going hun :D

Good on you sharne :clap: Really pleased for you :D
Thanks alot for the encouragement guys it REALLY helps.

Im a bit worried about my meals over the weekend, Im worried i won;t stop when im full...

Sharne hun, if it's your birthday just enjoy your meals and birthday cake and get straight back to it on Monday - you only have 1 birthday a year .... well that's what I am telling myself for next weekend :wink:

I started to go out for runs as couldn't get to the gym and to be honest I resent paying the money when I know I wouldn't get my moneys worth. Why not give it a go, you will start to feel the benefit in no time and believe me that's coming from someone who hadn't been out for a run since doing cross country at school !!!

Keep going hun :D


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