Severe pain/cramping


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2010
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I haven't been on the forum properly in the past couple of days & haven't hxaad the chance to read recent posts, hope you're all doing well. I just had to come on here on my phone because I'm in a lot of pain. I've been awake half the night with quite severe period type cramping & lower back ache. It's enough to take my breath away and I've been rocking on all fours to try & ease it. It makes walking difficult. Are braxton hicks this painful?
I'm not sure, I don't think they are meant too be quite that bad, I would call my midwife and explain what's happening xx hope you feel better soon! X
BH are uncomfortable but not painful( at least For me) no harm in getting checked out xx
I don't even realise when I'm getting BH half the time :roll: they just pass me by, no pain at all... Might be worth giving MW a bell to get checked out... :hug: Hope everything's ok xxx
braxton hicks are not meant to feel like that.

are you still getting the pains? I would call midwife if so, just to make sure....

Hope you're ok Lulu - call MW to put your mind at ease if they are making you that uncomfortable x
Are you ok hon? Are the pains still bad? like every one else says I think you should ring mw it can't hurt and would put your mind at ease xxx
Hope you're feeling better xx
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Thanks for the replies, the cramps have gone but I still feel an awful lot of pressure down below. Tried to call MW & got voicemail but apparently they call back within 24 hours. I feel like crap today after no sleep!

Hey, sorry to hear you're having a bad time of things. I didn't think BH were meant to hurt tbh. But then I don't even know if I've ever had one!

Do you have an admissions ward that you could ring for advice? Over here we do but we don't have our MWs numbers. Or at least I don't.

Hope you're ok :hug: x
I do have another number to call but I'm supposed to call it if it's urgent, and since the cramps have gone I wouldn't consider it urgent and so don't want to bother them! If the severe cramps come back I will ring them though xx
oh hun. i would ring triage. i got told to ring for anything im unsure of. although never had to but its what they are there for. xxx
Glad the cramps have gone. I agree with the others about calling too but can't talk coz I don't follow my own advice... I'm a nightmare when it comes to calling. Hope the pressure eases soon too xxxx

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