Set back

Nurse 26

Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2010
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Hey ladies

Here i go again on one of my moans but feeling really crappy today. its been 2 weeks 2 days since everything happened and so far i had been doing really well, out and about, seeing friends and family. getting on with things really but today feel like i'm back to square one, feel like crying and staying in my PJ's all day, last thing i want to do is socialise :( :(

Finally got a negative HPT today but not even my body getting back to normal is cheering me up :wall2:

sorry for the gloomy thread yet again, somebody needs to give me a slap and tell me to cheer up, i know you ladies are the ones to do that.

Dont apologise sweetie! You have every right to feel down and upset!

I think you have done absolutely amazing so far even though you don't think so yourself! You have like you said gone out and done things with friends etc, your back on your feet... It's part of the healing process to get a few emotional knockbacks. Your grieving sweetie, you have lost something precious to you. You will have your good and bad days.

Hugs xxxxxx
Sorry that wasnt quite the kick up the backside you asked for so here you go

* kicks nurse up the bottom, giggles, and legs it before she knocks me out *

:) thanks hun, your comment was really sweet, not sure what i would do without PF. just feel like people expect me to be over it now and they have seen i'm getting on with but now if they see me like this they will think i'm being daft :( OH is being great though.

"OWCH" :) :)
To be honest Nurse I'm not in the mind for slaps and bottom kicks!!

So have a 'come on lovely, it's all ok' type of :hug: instead!!! :)

It is only 2 weeks hun, don't be hard on yourself sod what others think.

I appreciate positive thinking may be difficult at the moment but I always think that when one door closes a better one opens......
*kicks Nurse in bum and runs really fast so she dont get me as my super powers dont work on bank holidays!*

Sorry to hear your having a bad day I know how you feel. people expect you to be over it. they just dont understand. big hugs for you hun:hugs:
Thanks cazza, 2 weeks is not long but it has felt it iykwim? time is dragging on past. I have a holiday in 4 weeks but at the moment that seems like a life time away. x x
hey you...missy... ;)

don't you dare apologise for being have every right and you can have a good old moan and rant anytime you like...thats what we are all here for...

i hope you start to feel a bit better will...... :)

it's taken me to this weekend to start to feel normal again and start to have enough umph to actually do all the it does take time....but dont feel guilty for it taking time because we still had a loss at the end of the day, no matter what some others may think around us...

take care and keep smiling sweetie xx
Glad your OH is being great :) it's always nice to have a supportive OH who will hold your hand through the good and the bad times.

Yeah I kno what you mean about people expecting you to be ok about thing and I really don't think people mean to offend by expecting people to be back to their old selves after a painful experience. It's just the way some people are.

You will always have support here.


Hope you feel soon nurse, just remember " you can't run before you walk"


Thanks amy

samsgirl.. i know its going to take more time, think i'm being impatient with myself :( Glad you are starting to feel better though hun :) :) just feel like im moaning all the time cant wait to get back to my cheery self as i'm generally a happy person. hopefully we both get our happy ending very soon :) xxx
Nurse, I'd happily give you a good :slap: if I thought you needed it. Along with a PE teacher style "buck your ideas up".

However on this occasion I think you are quite entitled to have your down days. You've had an upsetting time recently and it'll take a while to get over. You know we're here if you need us.

Sorry, I feel a bit self-concious posting coz I've never been through it myself. Just wanted to show you some support.
Thank you ninjakitty your support in much appreciated. you PF ladies are too good to me. xxx
Dont apoligise. 2 weeks is not long at all and you are still going through the greiveing process. You have every right to feel sad as what has happened is horrendus and should never be underestimated. This is the one thing that I now truly beleive after experiancing it that until you have you have NO idea how someone is feeling.

I am now 5 weeks post d&c and still feel sad and upset about it all. Feel like everyone has forgotten even though why should they remember.

Sending you lots of :hug:as this is a awful time.

You have had a pretty sh*t time recently hun (excuse my french) so dont ever feel bad for having a low day :petal:

Personally I think you have come a long way in 2 weeks, a lot of people would not have been able to go through all that and still manage to smile, it shows just how strong a person you are :hugs:
big loves nurse. am still having good days and bad days but well get there xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Thanks ladies, its like being on a total rollercoater of emotions since last august when i found out i was pregnant first time, then the up's and downs of TTC, joy of being pregnant again and then bang it all comes crashing down again :(

I'm sure we will get there hayles. Hows the tests and things coming on now hun? think i will feel better once i get the results from that too all the waiting around is criving me crazy. xx
At the end of the day hun, this isnt something your going to get over completly in 2 weeks+ I mean it's been nearlly 4-5 months since I miscarried and even though I'm over the worst and it can "only get better" I still get days where I feel like staying in my pj's locking my bedroom door and letting the world revolve around me.

It's totally normal to feel like this, I don't think I've seen any of your other threads so don't know how far gone you were, how it happened etc but chin up sweetheart, I know it's easy for me to sit here 4-5 months down the line but you'll be saying the same to some girl on here whos seeking support and comfort when you've come to terms with it.

i know what you mean the waiting is driving me mad. i have got to go back in when i get my period back so just waiting for that really. i defo think i will feel better as well once results come back. hopefully your holiday will help you i know i went away not long after my 3rd mc and it was nice to be away and just kind of forget about every thing xxxx
yes i think the holiday will really help.

The witches waiting room sucks:clock:
Really no need to apologise for feeling down. Two weeks isn't long at all to get over such a precious loss. There will be days when you think that you're back to normal but at the back of that there will still be the bad times. As was said before one door closes and another one will open - just might open slower than you think it should. :hug::hug::hug:

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