Back pain no bleeding


Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2012
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Hi Ladies AGAIN,

I just need some advice. My reg doc is away at the moment and as most of you know I had my second natural Miscarriage on Sunday 19th Feb. Monday just gone was the last day I needed to wear a liner. But last night and today I have had lower back pain left side and an increase of CM. The CM is like my normal CM but has increased since yesterday. Stomach is not tender at all and I don't have a fever.

I'm probably over reacting because if you do the math it is exactly like my normal cycle because today is Thursday and I should be Ovulating of Sunday. IF my cycle was normal. I usually do get ovulation pain too always have since I was a teenager. It's just never really this sore it is usually just noticable.

Do you think that is what it is or should I go to the Special ER my doc told me to go to with the notes he gave me if I had a problem while he was away?
I would hang fire a day or so. Try and be a bit dissociated and think wether it could just be Af type feelings. If the cm is normal that's a really good sign. But if you are really worried its what the docs are there for.
Yup it's ovulation already. Nice to see my body getting on with life when my mind and heart is not there yet.

The reason why I know this is that we did the baby dance last night with protection but that protection broke (stupid us we have had them in the draw for a long time we should have not used them). Yay! NOT! So I was freaking out because I really wanted to wait the two cycles and my husband asked if I had any more of those OPKs I was using back in Dec. I had one. He thought it would ease my mind, but it was postive for LH levels. So I will be Ovulating with in 48hrs and there is two weeks worth of build up swimming around in there. Now I'm freaking out I'm really not ready emotionally. But there is a part of me that is hopeful too.

Ah the ups and downs of life after miscarriage.

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