September 2017 mummies

Congratulations kholl your lo is two months younger than Charlie. It's a huge shock isn't it xx

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Congratulations and lovely to have you here new ladies!

PB, I've heard cramps are meant to be okay without blood and vice versa so will keep everything crossed for you. Every pain or niggle or twinge will be torture for us along this journey because of our history but we'll get there just gotta remain positive x
PB, cramping is so normal. I know it's impossible to stay calm in the first trimester (even without any previous losses, it's impossible) but I have had cramping so severe in previous successful pregnancies that I was convinced I was losing the baby.

Well my mind is warped, after 6 blatant positives I am now getting bfn after bfn. My husband's face when I told him I might not be pregnant after all was the saddest thing I've ever seen... such a weird roller coaster, don't know what to feel-- will update tomorrow I guess.
Kholl, ito sounds like a chemical hun :( hugs! Hopefully the tests are just duds, or your pee wasn't strong enough!! X

I've woke up with literally 0 symptoms. Ahh time is going so slow for this scan. Just wanna know either way. X
Time does go so slow :( it's constant worry. Maybe once we get over that first tri things won't be so scary (wishful thinking!) your scan is the 11th PB? At least it's within reach this week x thinking of you x

Kholl pee might be too dilute, takes a while for hcg to double etc as well x keep us updated!
Kholl, I hope they're just dud tests. Thinking of you

PB, I have 0 symptoms also. No queasiness now, boobs are fine, even weeing is reduced. They tend to disappear for a couple of weeks as your body adjusts, and then they come back with a vengeance!

Thanks everyone. Tests are positive again today but very faint. I am on the fence. Will keep you all posted.

Sending healthy vibes to you all!
Hi ladies, thought I'd pop in here as my EDD is 31st August so could easily be September! Congratulations to everyone and new congrats to Kholl. Really hope they were a dud set of tests. Let us know how you go. Will you retest again in a few days? I did 12 over 2 weeks until I fully accepted it... madness! :)

Kumber that's good to hear about your lack of symptoms. Mine certainly come and go for days at a time and it's quite unnerving! Only just over 6 weeks so know it's early days for many symptoms to kick in anyway. Seriously considering paying for a scan at 10 weeks! Would there be a big difference between what you see at 10 and 12 weeks? I would still go to my NHS one though.

Hope you're all doing well and having a lovely weekend.

Hi MrsDuckie! Would you like me to put you down for the 1st? I wouldn't think there'd be a huge amount of difference, you might be better going for an 8 or 9 week scan instead maybe?

I'm counting down the days til my mw appointment, I lost the last pregnancy at 5+3, it started at 5+2, so if I can get past that I'll be happy.

I did 15 minutes of exercise today and it's near killed me! I'm so unfit. I want to try and lose 2 stone so I can keep my bmi low and have a water birth again. I massively regret eating all that cake now while bfing DS2 :wall2: still, it hides the baby bloat and will hide the bump until I'm ready to tell people so that's something. I'm dreading telling family as it won't go down well. The longer I can keep it on the down low, the better!

Yes please Kumber! Thanks :) Feel a bit greedy posting in two threads lol. It's a funny one being dated the last day of a month! There's another lady in the September thread with the same EDD actually.

Bless you; the wait is hard! When is your MW appointment? I had a chemical in June and that alone has left me nervous. Hate to imagine how a later loss makes you feel. Will you get an early scan do you think? Would I see much at 8 weeks? That's sounding appealing as that would be less than 2 weeks away then... haha. I don't need much encouragement! :-p

That's a shame about your family. Why do you think they'll feel that way? I hope not. You need happy vibes and positivity! xx
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All updated for you chick, let me know when your appointments are and I'll get those on there too.

Mw appointment is the 14th so a week Wednesday. Not too long to wait but long enough at the same time. I can't complain though, a loss at 5 weeks must be far worse than a loss at 8, 10, 12+. Doesn't stop the nerves but does keep me rooted in reality! Yes we'll get a scan at 8 weeks for reassurance, I couldn't go from 6 weeks to 13 with no progress report on baby. I also read somewhere that of you see a hb at 8 weeks, there's like a 70%+ less chance of an mc. Obviously not perfect but the risk is significantly less than before 8 weeks according to what I read. Can't even remember where it was but it stuck out.

You would see a fair bit at 8 weeks I think, not a fully formed baby of course but you'd see them in there, and a hb, at least.

Mine and hubby's situation isn't great finance-wise. We're hoping it turns around before baby arrives as we need a bigger car and we've a few things to pay off, as well as to move out of this poxy flat and into a 3 bed house! Lots to get sorted in the next 9 months, and no one will be happy until we do sort it. But if they're not happy that's their issue. I'm extremely happy!

I will do hun, thanks. Midwife service rang today to get my availability and my midwife will call this week to arrange my booking apt so will let you know.

Are you getting a 6 week scan too then? I think if possible I will try and wait until 9/10 weeks. Looking at prices locally it's looking like £100. The cost isn't the issue but I want to be able to see and hear as much as possible. We'll see how long I last until I cave and book though! :) I think I've heard that too about scans after 8 weeks.

Don't put too much pressure on yourself. You and hubby are happy and ready for a baby to arrive. Obviously you want the necessities and a bigger car would be great too but you can't make everything your ideal perfect in 9 months and nor do you have to. If you're still in the flat when the baby arrives it'll be fine. You would rather a safe home over your head than a bigger house and struggling to afford things that you need or want. Just don't stress is all I'm trying to say! :) Tell me to bugger off if I'm being too intrusive!

My hubby has made a list of everything round the house he wants to do before baby is due, bless him lol. He's already started on it though to be fair! Quite impressed! xx
Ooooohh they're getting you sorted quick!

No, just an 8 week and a 12 week but my mw appointment is at 6 weeks. I've managed to confuse things there :lol: keep an eye out on Groupon for your area, as places will often put offers on.

Not intrusive at all lovely, you're absolutely right. Although getting down the stairs with 3 babies would interesting :lol: DS2 will be 2 when this baby arrives, so I would hope both he and DS1 will be walking down the stairs independently, and I have the sling so it'll work out one way or the other.

Well done your hubby!

He have a scan on Wednesday the 18th to determine my dates :)
Ooooohh how exciting Elfs Mummy! Bet you can't wait!

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Hi All :wave: Congratulations to everyone! I'm waiting for my dating scan appointment, please could you add me to the list? I still can't believe it, it's been a long long wait, even though the tests say pregnant i feel like I'm dreaming. :D
Hi girls how's everyone doing today?

Im 5 weeks today, yay! Time is going so slowly lol. I'm gonna do my second digi today I think, hopefully get the 2-3 just to satisfy the need to keep peeing on sticks lol. Seen good line progression on cheapies so I'm hopeful.

Did a 12 hour nightshift last night it was horrible I felt so sick and dizzy with the tiredness all night, I feel like they think I'm at it because i'm so early on but I think it's easy for people who've never been pregnant or have been so long ago to forget the fatigue and nausea you feel at this stage. Also bloody burst the wire my bra last night, boobs are getting out of control lol. hopefully can go back to days, just waiting to hear back from HR, they weren't happy I haven't had a risk assessment done yet either, .
Please remove me from the list- don't know if it's a chemical or what but it's definitely not happening for me. Such a weird mix of emotions, I wasn't ready and was freaking out but now of course I'm so sad. Wish I hadn't jumped the gun and joined this group.

Best of luck to you all!
Oh so sorry Kholl, don't feel you jumped the gun at all, we're all here if you need any support xxx

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