September 2017 mummies

For GPs you go to the practice manager

going to book a drs appointment tomorow! it was meant to be an appointment for birth control as we werent going to ttc until july !
What kind of symptoms has everyone been having? For me its super tired from around 2:30pm, nausea from 7pm and sore boobs constantly!

I used to get evening nausea with my boys, which was worse the tireder I got. With ds2 I worked in a restaurant, it was awful! I really feel for you with it.

Not getting too much myself. Very gassy, very tired, nesting like mad, weeing like no tomorrow and ravenous. I also keep feeling the need to breastfeed my toddlers when they cry, one hasn't fed for 6 months and the other 2 years!! Very weird.

going to book a drs appointment tomorow! it was meant to be an appointment for birth control as we werent going to ttc until july !

Ooooohh exciting! Let me know when you're booking in appointment is with the midwife and I'll update :)

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I'm still breastfeeding my six month old he's just had his first ever formula bottle though as my nipples are bleeding
Im at a new practice since we moved house, I haven't managed to find one I want to stick with yet so I don't officially have an actual named gp or anything, I had to take whoever I could get when I phoned this morning and they said they could see me today, I already felt bad because I had to tell the nurse I couldn't get away from work for the appointment she wanted o give me and she was good enough to make it the afternoon for me instead. You sound like you've had more than your fair share of nightmare nhs! I think if this doesn't work out I'll go private, been looking into how much it would cost will just need to save to afford it. I asked about the progesterone today and was instantly dismissed and told I've read too much on the Internet, I mean is it any wonder we end up searching for our own answers!

Good luck Elf x

Rose my main symptoms at the moment are sore heavy boobs, the afternoon exhaustion, and starving/thirsty all the time. tonight's new symptom is one itchy nip that is driving me mad lol.
Congratulations ladies! Delighted for all of you! I got my BFP yesterday. Amazing feeling after trying for some time! According to my LMP I'm due 15/09/17 but reckon it could be 2 weeks before that looking like I will be induced down to my diabetes!
Tired but can't sleep! I could sleep forever if i didn't need to get up for work, then I get home andrink and try to take a nap but just can't! My body is achy today (still have a cold) my boss will not let me take time off to recover though! :(
I had this pain in lower belly which I've never felt before I can't even describe it. Like a stitch but stabbing lol. You? X
I so need sleep my son slept 8 hours last night which was amazing he's not done that for months normally it's every hour. Sadly my da Three then had me up from 5 :( I tried to get an appointment today but they didn't have any and apparently there's none until Monday so I doubt I'll get my booking in or scan till the beginning of march as they're so slow round here x
Type1diabetic, congratulations! What date would you like me to put you down for?

PB, the insomnia is awful isn't it? It's taking over an hour to fall asleep and then I'm waking up in the middle of the night, again for ages. Pants to the cold and your boss, very unfair. The pain sounds like stretching pain!

Elfs Mummy, can you not book in directly with the midwife?

I had a relaxing afternoon at my friend's working out cat shows and which one we'll show at next. Very dull to some but it was great!

Thanks Kumber! Can you pop me in for 15/9 and if I get an update I'll let you know!

I'm getting the same feeling in my lower abdomen!small bit of backache and tender boobs!
Thought I'd maybe had a lucky escape as had no spotting during the night or all day today, but 5pm and a fairly big pink streak. Still nothing on pads but was feeling rather crampy, nothing since but think I will try and get through to EPU again tomorrow to see if they will do bloods for me so I know one way or another as this is torture!

Hope everyone else is okay, besides the insomnia which is horrible! Lovely to see you here too now type1 x
Hopefully the spotting is nothing to worry about ClaireDoll

Claire, I didn't know the epu did bloods, everyone always told me only gp has to refer you. What. Id definitely give them a call, would the be able to scan you to see where your bleeding from? With my scan she showed me the little tiny mark where I had bled, right next to baby (she said was implantation).
I also had mega strong cramping again a few hours ago, was rolling around on the bed waiting for it to stop, only lasted 5 mins and has been off and on since. Idk what to think. 5 days till ikno xx
Had a dream I had a baby boy last night. I hope it means something! Lol x
To be honest PB I have no idea about normal procedure when it comes to EPU or doctors, the last time I had my bloods monitored by EPU but had to be referred after attending a+e. I was scanned internally and they couldn't see anything (was already miscarrying) had bloods done to see hcg levels which they said were really good, had to go back 48 hours later to get more bloods done then had to wait a week for them to call me l tell me what I already knew, that I'd miscarried. The doctor never mentioned doing any bloods at the practice or anything just gave me EPU's number to call if I had any concerns. I'm holding off just now as haven't had any more spotting or cramps today, and an increase in symptoms, you'll understand what I mean when I say I don't want to jeopardise anything further by having doctors poke about up there, not letting my husband near me either! Was brave and went ahead and booked in with midwife so seeing them on the 1st of Feb and 1st scan booked for the 22nd Feb though will probably go for private before then.

How's everyone today?
I think it definitely means something PB :) would you like a boy particularly or either?
Yeah, I was like that with my last pregnancy, no one's going up there!!! Aha this time I'm just like fuck it, it cant hurt.

I'm happy with either, well I was until I had that dream, now I want a boy aha! Didn't wanna wake up lmao. I was so sad, like in my dream I've never loved anything so much. I got all teary eyed, thinking it's never going to happen. 4 and a bit days till ikno if it's a viable pregnancy. Man I'm gonna be so crushed if it's another miscarriage, like just thinking about I'm probably gonna have a melt down... after a mc i distance myself from hubby (nit on purpose) and it's does out lots of pesure on us. Xx
PB I can't remember if I told you all but on Wednesday I woke up from a dream that I tested and it was positive. Which spurred me to rest as soon as I woke and my dream literally came true! So I'd say definitely it means something!

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