September 2017 mummies

I hope no one minds me joining in here, I am new to the forum and got my BFP last week :) i am 5 weeks along and due on September 7th (according to my pregnancy app) Hello fellow September mums to be *waves* This is my first pregnancy and feeling very excited!
It's supposed to prevent a miscarriage if you have sticky blood, it doesn't flow properly to baby, but doesn't do any harm if you don't have the sticky blood supposedly. Doctors can't seem to officially agree, one of my previous doctors told me after my second MC to start taking it next time I got pregnant, but said not to tell anyone she told me to take it as its not recommended but apparently had high success rates for recurrent mc's. The doctor I seen for my third pregnancy was very anti-aspirin and said not to take it without having had the tests done for sticky blood. I did my own research this time and have decided to take 75mg a day as most say it can't do any harm in such a low dose but could prevent MC.

That's fascinating, I never knew that. You're right, if there's no harm in it then anything is worth a shot. Also never heard of sticky blood, I assume that means the heart finds it harder to pump blood adequately around the body? Or is it that the blood is literally sticky?

I hope no one minds me joining in here, I am new to the forum and got my BFP last week :) i am 5 weeks along and due on September 7th (according to my pregnancy app) Hello fellow September mums to be *waves* This is my first pregnancy and feeling very excited!

You're very welcome RoseBee, and congratulations! Have a happy and healthy 9 months :)

Kumber, it's looking more like September :) - I had my tarrot cards read before I found out I was preg, they said basically August is going to be a good month for family, birth and general happiness :) Which is one reason I'm excited about this pregnancy. If i mc again I'm nit getting them read again aha! X

Claire, which ones did you get? Some are better to dissolve in water, as they get to stomach and into your system better x
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I hope no one minds me joining in? I'm due if I calculated correctly September the 6th! :) excited but scared at the same time!
PB, tarot can be tricky things but they can be brilliant too. I'm a reader myself and have a few friends that also read, lots has come through for me about this pregnancy. I really hope the cards have been right for you and that this is your year. Also extremely pleased you're in September, we can get through this together!

Mazxo, welcome to September mummies and congratulations!

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Oh I'm just about braving the psychic world, hubby is really into it, I've always took a step back but we discussed it recentl and in my Xmas card he put he lady he goes to's card and said he would book me a reading with her, just need to see if I can get some time off work first.
I'm not sure if I'm an august mummy or a September mummy so am going to hang around in. Oth. My ds is only 6 'ontha sp this is a bit of a shock.
Oh I'm just about braving the psychic world, hubby is really into it, I've always took a step back but we discussed it recentl and in my Xmas card he put he lady he goes to's card and said he would book me a reading with her, just need to see if I can get some time off work first.

I would try it, just for experience of it. You wouldn't have to go back if you didn't like it but it'll be something ticked off the bucket list anyway

I'm not sure if I'm an august mummy or a September mummy so am going to hang around in. Oth. My ds is only 6 'ontha sp this is a bit of a shock.

Congratulations Elfs Mummy! That's a similar age gap between my two boys - we fell pregnant when DS1 was 5 months. It's a lovely age gap, they're best buddies now and love to play together. It's such a shock but hopefully you'll be ok!

im in complete shock as were meant to be getting married this year. weve decided to bring the wedding forward and make it smaller as once this baby is here its going to be our last priority x
You're right, it will. How exciting, a wedding and a baby in one year!

Well, it's looking bad for me. Symptoms have disappeared, boobs haven't hurt in 3 days and getting a lot of period pain (which is usually a week before I miscarry). I just feel like there's something off woke up feeling like shit. Well we shall see what happens :/ fed up.
Hopefully it's just stretching and your body adapting PB. It's so frustrating and horrible not knowing I think we are just not ever going to be able to enjoy pregnancy without worrying about every little thing. I have docs at 2, the surgery is finally open today, nurse on phone wanted to send me to self refer to EPU but I persuaded her to let me see the doctor first, I feel like if I just turn up at EPU, I'm not even booked in with midwife yet, they will just treat me like it's a period like they always do. Still spotting a fair bit of brown today :(
Pb I've had different symptoms with both my pregnancy s and again different this time. I hope that all is ok and your body is just playing tricks on you x
Ohh gosh PB, I hope this isn't it for you. Please stay in there bean!

Well, it's looking bad for me. Symptoms have disappeared, boobs haven't hurt in 3 days and getting a lot of period pain (which is usually a week before I miscarry). I just feel like there's something off woke up feeling like shit. Well we shall see what happens :/ fed up.

Keeping my fingers crossed for you
What kind of symptoms has everyone been having? For me its super tired from around 2:30pm, nausea from 7pm and sore boobs constantly!
Claire your right, I will never enjoy a pregnancy even if i get to 30 weeks I'll still be worried as hell. Have you spoken the the recurrent miscarrige specials about being pregnant? I haven't even seen mine yet, just first appointment is on 18the, because my gps fucked up and forgot to transfer me in october:/ Me ans hubby are writing a letter of complaint about it, as potentially my last pregnancy could have been saved and maybe this one if i do mc. Nhs have treated me like shit, my gp won't even send me to get my hcg levels checked :(

Was late to work this morning, having a break down. Was still in my pjs when I was meant to be stating aha. I couldn't stop crying though. :wall2: All I've herd is, well at least you can getake pregnant easy.., that's not the point though is it, I'd rather be unable to get pregnant then keep loosing them at leat then I have other options like ivf etc. :/ ughh soz rant ! X
I totally sympathise PB. The doctor I seen today was beyond awful. Ended up being the same one that suggested I had underlying mental health issues (wasn't aware it wasn't okay to get upset at 3 miscarriages!) and also suggested to go back on contraception with my last miscarriage, to 'solve the problem' it's an absolute joke. She basically said there's nothing they can do so what did I expect I said I have no idea I'm not the health professional but at the very least I want it logged that I am pregnant again and that I still haven't had any word about recurrent miscarriage tests, which it appears no one has bothered to refer me for after all, and she again said about most people not knowing they've had a miscarriage when they are this early on so again, you feel like an idiot. Don't even get me started on the 'least you can get pregnant' comments, I wouldn't wish the pain of getting pregnant relatively easily then constantly losing them on my worst enemy. I totally understand everyone has different issues but I think so many people just assume that the most important part is you can get pregnant. It's devastating and I'm so done with today!

Rant over!
Ohh ladies :( it's such a shame that you've had awful experiences with doctors, one often wonders how they even get approved to practice with such awful manners. It can't help that it's all about numbers now, there's very little personal care as they focus on getting in and out as quick as possible.

Your doctor sounds like a **** - I don't use that word often. You should be sent to see a gyne at least!! This is why I hate the nhs, they don't gI've a toss about women with recurrent miscarriges, because it's too hard for them as half of women have nothing wrong with them. When I was at gyne sfter my 5th miscarriage, he wasn't even going to refer me! It's only cos his boss had herd and told him to refer me to the specialist he did. He told me to go home and keep trying, then eventually one will stick. I was so angry. Also every time he talked about my pregnancies he used hand quotes!! Wanted to punch him in the face. They lost my blood results, had to wait around for then to find them, and ive still herd nothing back from them testing the fetus from last pregnancy, if they've lost the results from that, I'm going fucking mental at them.
You need to find out who you can complain to about your gp, or possibly find another one? Xx

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