September 2017 mummies

PB I can't remember if I told you all but on Wednesday I woke up from a dream that I tested and it was positive. Which spurred me to rest as soon as I woke and my dream literally came true! So I'd say definitely it means something!

With my last pregnancy, i had a dream about having two babies one was a still born the other was happy and giggling, I was actually pregnant with twins, one died straight away. (This was the night before I tested). But someone else had the baby that was 'mine' like it wasn't mine at all kind of thing.
In my dream last night I was holding a new born and breast feeding it lol strange, but then he got taken away and I had to go to work. I hope it doesn't mean its a sign of losing baby again. Gah. Tbh my only real symptom is vivid dreams!! I wake up and can't tell what's real lmao. X
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Peanut butter I can't imagine how you keep going through this, I had two back to back miscarriages (as in pregnant immediately after the first) both at 5 weeks and it was devastating (in 2013). I ended up needing to see a counsellor as I was getting so stressed each month and obsessed with ttc that I actually couldn't seem to get pregnant despite DTD at exactly the right time etc. I think you are so brave to have coped with all you've been through. I really hope this bean sticks for you xx
We have to head to the Drs first then they refer you. I'm going to guess 5th September as my due date don't know why but it's a rough guess. Anyone else struggling to keep their eyes open ? Getting out of bed was horrendous this morning xx
I'm absolutely shattered all the time. I hit 7pm and I'm ready to collapse. The queasiness is hitting me tonight, I'm desperate for a cuppa but I don't want to see it again overnight!

Line progression! I'm so relieved, I've never had a line so dark all my previous losses when I've retested the lines have only ever got fainter.

The three tests were my original BFP's, IC and digi was 2 days later, ordered more IC's and tested today without a hold and got this.
That's a brilliant line! So pleased for you lovely!

Yay Claire! Great line :) x

I've been getting quite intese cramping all day on and off, when I'm not cramping I'm getting lots of twinges (not painful)... :/ pretty sure I'm gonna lose another one.... last time progesterone prolonged it and as soon as I stopped the miscarriage happened very quickly, probably doing the same this time. Waiting for my scan on the 11th. Not much hope after today. X
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Ohh no PB, I so hope you're not! Can you come off the progesterone to see what happens?

Kumber coming off progesterone before so many weeks will probably make me miscarry if I wasn't going to anyways. My scan is only a few days away. Will have to wait. But pretty sure it's over for me. :( x
Lovely lines Claire doll. Sorry pb I really hope that it's not the end for you. I'm pretty convinced I found this babies hb on a Doppler at 148 bpm my hb is 86 (I have a Fitbit blaze so can see) so couldn't be mine. I've had two previous sections but I'm hoping for a vba2c this time but I will probably book a section for a week after my due date if I get that far x

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Hi girls,

After 5 years of failed ivf cycles I finally got my first long awaited bpf on 2nd Jan. I am still in shock!! Trying to remain calm as I know it's early days yet. Hcg levels are rising nicely although don't think I will quite believe it until I see the heartbeat(s) on screen!!

I'm have not had any pregnancy symptoms whatsoever?? Is anyone else like this?

Jen xo
PB, I didn't realise that's what the progesterone did, that's interesting. I really hope you stay with us, I'm keeping everything crossed for you. Please stay sticky little bean!!

Elfs Mummy could it be the placenta? How amazing that you heard it, whatever it was! You're right, definitely not your hb

Welcome Jensastar! Congratulations, I hope it's a sticky beam for you! Let me know your expected due date and I'll pop you on the list :) I had very few pregnancy symptoms throughout my previous pregnancies, and have very little in this one so I wouldn't worry

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I can't believe I'm writing this...

My third child is just four months old and I got my bfp this morning. Well, several bfps actually. I feel like I'm gonna hurl. No clue how many dpo I am but I can estimate my due date to be around September 20. I already have two kids with September birthdays (oldest was born in November) I just can't believe this.
I've updated the front page but let me know if I've missed any appointment or scan dates please :) hope you're all enjoying your Saturday nights


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