September 2017 mummies

Thanks ladies. The worst was telling DH. He always tries to be strong for me, always, but I could see the sadness in his face. He asked me how I knew for sure it wasn't happening, like he was still holding on to some hope.

I have such an incredible amount of respect for you women who have endured losses, some of you multiple losses. I bow down to you, seriously. I can't believe how much this sucks! I am sending the healthiest, happiest baby vibes to you all.
Hi girls, how are you doing? Could somenone add me to the list, please? I am due on 2nd September. Went for an early scan today (end of week 6) and the tiny baby was barely visible - measuring 2,5mm, and I hope this is normal size ( i know ovulation was exactly 29 days ago). Anyone similar?
Kholl, I'm so, so sorry. Massive hugs, take some time out to be gentle with yourself :hugs:

Welcome to new ladies.

CG1, when is your EDD please?

Agnessa, updated for you and congratulations! :dance: There's a thread somewhere near the top of Tri 1 where ladies have shared their early scan pics, might be worth a nose in there.

ClaireDoll, have you told work by now? Am assuming due to shift work and, by the sounds of it the nature of the job, you have to inform them early? Hopefully they put you on day shifts, can't imagine working through the night at this stage.

I'm extremely symptomless aside from tiredness. I keep having the occasional twinge, trying not to panic as they're minor whereas the mc was period pain, no question, so trying to stay upbeat that the twinges aren't progressing. I'm also incredibly moody, like I'm ready to rip hubby's face off. Not that he's doing much to help that, I think he's purposefully being a div :wall2: :roll:

Haha oh yes husbands know how to push the buttons! Mine made a big song and dance about how he was going to get the house gutted on his day off... He played PlayStation all day and added to the mess! I'm biding my time at the moment lol too tired to argue the fatigue is unreal. Yes sorry I should have said, I had to tell them as I normally only work every morning in this job, it's a department store, so this week is inventory hence nightshifts and also happens to be a furniture event so I was asked the other day to put 56 units of furniture like cabinets wardrobes etc out into shop floor myself. I've always said I didn't want to be 'that' person who seems to milk the fact their pregnant but given my history I find it best now just to tell them as soon as I know, I figure it's not worth the risk of heavy lifting and also if anything doesn't go to plan in the past I've end up having to take time off and explaining why I'm off anyway so might as well just tell them early.
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Ahh I'm with you, yes you were right to tell them. They can't expect you to risk the pregnancy, it sounds like HR has your back though.

Welcome Novice! Updated for you and congratulations :dance:

Kholl I'm so sorry to hear your heart-breaking news. I wish we could make it all better but what I can say is that we're all here if you need support and to talk. Take some time for yourself and I hope to see you back here soon. Good luck and take care xx

Congratulations and welcome CG1 and Novice! :)

Kumber I've been feeling pretty good too. Mild symptoms which I feel lucky for and worried about at the same time! Quite tired, tender heavy feeling boobs, occasional nausea but usually easily sorted by eating something bland and today felt a few stretchy twinge sensations again.

Have decided to book a 10 week scan. Then this Thursday when I turn 7 weeks I can say 3 weeks until my scan! Instead of 5 haha.
Ahhhh good stuff MrsDuckie! I'm so excited for you!

Hi everyone, I'm new to this forum. Hope you don't mind me joining.

Found at very early at 9dpo on Saturday, have had 4 previous mmc so hoping this is my second rainbow baby. Currently on metformin for recurrent m/c so fingers crossed ��

Will be due 21 September
Welcome bumbleberry, there's a actually a couple of us in September with recurrent miscarriges! Fx you have a sticky bean! X
Hi bumbleberry, welcome and congratulations! Updated for you :)

PB, how are you getting on today?

Hi everyone! Just wondering if you are all still POAS daily? When do you think you will stop? After a previous chemical one a day helps keep my anxiety at bay. I was also wondering if anyone would share a bfp progression photo if they have it? I don't know if my bfp should be stronger by this point? X
How many dpo are you and what do your lines look like? I've stopped testing but am 5 weeks now. My lines were never completely dark, I stopped testing at 12dpo which was 2 days after my period was due (10 day LP)

I am currently 17dpo but think I will feel so much more at ease at 5 weeks. Last time my tests were bfp 11dpo and then began to disappear 14 dpo.

The photos are of complete line progression so far and then also the result for last 3 days all taken after 5 mins. I just don't feel like today is darker. Sorry to be such a worrier.

I just thought my lines would be solid by now so still anxious but keeping myself calm.
Wishing all of you the best

Thanks all x


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I think that's good line progression, I think it can take a couple of weeks for the line to become solid. It's getting darker which is the main thing, I think. By the looks of the tests you're using ics? If so, they're not the most sensitive so will take longer to show a solid line. You might be better with a frer or even a clear blue at this point. I got decent lines on both of those and barely a squinter on an ic so the test really does make a difference.

Ok, that makes me feel better. I have ICs to use up till Saturday and then I am hoping to use my digi at 5 weeks in hopes of getting a 3weeks + result. It feels like forever away x
It flies in! Congratulations on your bfps, what date would you like me to put you down as?
Thanks everyone :) kumber my EDD is 3rd September thank you x
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