** September 2014 Mummies! **

Hey Nic, was wondering where you were. Although it sounds as though you have been busy. Yay for ordering some new sofa's, I hope they don't take too long to turn up amd you can enjoy snuggles all together. Not heard of pallet beds, I will go google. It's horrible when you can't sleep, hope you have a better night tonight.

Today has been ok although we did have a mammoth 3hour nap, which was very much needed. Just waiting for dh to come home with some hotdogs for dinner as it's what I fancy. xx
Thanks Nic-walking on the ankle ok now although have got quite a fat foot today as it's all settled a bit with being back sittng at a desk all day. Good news about the sofas-sounds great. We only have small ones so not the best for lounging but it's all that we have space for. We quite often end up watching TV upstairs instead.

Had such a good sleep last night after a fairly active weekend and lots of sun and fresh air-didn't even notice hubby getting up a few times because he couldn't sleep. If only it was like that every night!

Crackers-saw your good news about the house on the tri 3 thread-YAY!
Also am I right in thinking we move across to tri3 at 27 weeks as my Baby Centre app says 28?!? x
haha was here, just stalking everyone! just been so tired lately, haven't felt up to anything!

i hope so too - although after reading tweets to the couriers twitter account, i dont have much faith for them delivering on time. OH has drawn and measured it all out and everything, quite quirky the beds i think.glad your day was okay! enjoy your dinner :)

ah, hope it's not too painful for you though? oh that's alright - we don't have a tele upstairs, i wouldn't want one either; i love early bed, OH is the opposite. i can't bear for him to come to bed and watch stuff on his ipad, headphones or not! :X lucky girl sleeping well! v jealous.

just watched the quads program - crikey! one is definitely enough.

27 weeks yeah. my app says 26, haha! xxx
I will be joining tri 3 on Friday at 27 weeks :) roughly 13weeks a tri.

I know what you mean Nic about being too tired to comment, but still following everyone. Hope you start to feel less tired soon. Dinner was yummy :) it always is when it's something you really fancy and when hubby cooks :) xx
Off to Tri 3 today for me!!! Hope the sun is shining for everyone like it is here and you all have a good day x
Yay, tri 3 for me today!!

We exchanged on the house yesterday, so lol eased. And we will be completing (actually moving out/into new place) 2 weeks tomorrow. Lots of packing to do now!

Kanga yes I do get sick pay. Was signed off last week, and hoping to get in touch with doc to extend it another week. I was only on my feet for about half hour yesterday and ended up limping again :-( Feel so lazy, but don't want this to get even worse!

Nic, had the strangest dream that you and I met up for lunch with our bubbas and you made me a pot noodle...ha ha! That'll teach me for looking at Instagram before bed!!
Hahaha Nic, the quads program is absolutely horrifying really! Totally made me appreciate only having one!

Crackers that is hilarious! Pot noodles!
Yay for tri 3 crackers and becky :)

If you get sick pay crackers then definitely stay off work. Mine has eased up so much since not doing as much
Yes you feel lazy, but you know you will be in agony if you bother doing anything. I wouldn't be in work if I had sick pay, but instead I go in and end up feeling bad for not doing anything amd watching the other person do all the jobs xx
Kanga, I hope things get sorted for you one way or the other..Being in limbo must be so frustrating..Hope you’re doing ok today..

Crackers – Im so pleased you have exchanged, that’s excellent news, you must be so relieved!!

Nice to hear from you Nic! Goodness yes it must feel like a long time pregnant for you definitely….
Sleeping is definitely a struggle at the moment isn’t it… My Husband wont sleep with a window open either, he is worried that spiders will come in!! Although I wait until he is asleep and then sneak it open, I just cant cope sleeping in the heat! And our fan is so noisy that keeps me awake!

Hope everybody else is doing ok..Not long until we are all in the final trimester together now!

I know clare, its not long at all its so great. It feels like we have been through such a journey already and now we are all heading to the final stretch, I can't believe it.

Hahahaha at the beginning, I used to see people's tickers and it said they were 26 weeks and stuff and I used to think wow, they are really pregnant, and that's ages away and now look!!
Ha! Soph I used to think exactly the same! And 30 weeks is like properly, properly pregnant and that will be me next Thursday, eek!!

Wow Clare 30 weeks. You are like really pregnant!

Funny, because I thought I would feel really pregnant when I got to 12 weeks, then 20 then 24, and no.

I wonder if I will feel it at 30 or even at 34 or when it will really sink in...
Haha, I know, its mad!
Oh yes I know what you mean!
I think there was one day last week where I felt properly pregnant for the first time! Like my bump ached and felt heavy.. and sleeping is becoming quite awkward now..Although I still look in the mirror and think I look bloated rather than having a proper bump! I’d love a nice little neat round bump!
My Sister said to me that from 30 weeks you really start to feel different so I’m waiting for that pleasure to come ha!
Soph & Clare - I'm exactly the same! Also used to look at the tickers and think wow can't wait until I get that far! Also keep expecting to 'feel' more properly pregnant - although to be fair it's getting there a bit now. Been so lucky with symptoms I've mainly been carrying on as normal but now starting to notice my body isn't quite as willing as my mind! Time seems to be speeding up the further along we get too so bet it's going to go quick now, especially as we start to have more appointments and ante natal classes and stuff to look forward to.

Crackers - great news about the house, bet you can't wait to get in there!! See you in Tri 3! Going to keep dipping into both anyway until we're all over there!
Funny isn’t it Becky, I still look at people that are like 32, 33 weeks and think they seem so much further along! But it wont be that long until we’re there!
Yes you forget you have to take things a little easier don’t you and that sometimes bump gets in the way of certain things!!
I still try and exercise before work every morning but it’s definitely getting tougher and I’m getting much slower!!
hahahaha rachael, that's so funny! i do love pot noodles right now.

definitely does clare - how's my lovely bump buddy? ah i don't even have a fan to get a compromise haha.

yeah 30 weeks, is 'properly properly' pregnant in my opinion too haha! wow can't wait to get there.

i know i keep saying it but i do really really want this last bit to just fly by. i'm trying to enjoy it but it's just not that easy, i'm sure you can appreciate - although still wanting to be constantly covered up so i don't get questioned, i am enjoying it much more than i thought i would after ella.

argh heres one thing i hate to see, a pregnant lady smoking;
I’m good thanks Nic! On proper countdown to maternity leave now, I can’t wait! 7 weeks to go with a week off in between whoop!
Oh no! You need to get a fan, ours is a god send! Only cheap from Amazon!
Haha, yep it really is! ahh, under 4 weeks for you Nic, that will go by so quick!
Oh I don’t blame you, that’s totally understandable, you just want baby here safe and well don’t you…Im glad you are enjoying it a bit more :)

Oh I know me too..I don’t like to judge but it does make me a bit sad to see x
i'm 7 weeks away too, yaaaaay! hope so.. then i hope the rest goes fast too haha. thank you lovely xxxx
I know.. seeing pregnant women smoking makes me really sad, and also seeing people smoking in their cars with the kids makes me sad.. I dont have a problem with smoking and know how difficult it is to give up, but the children/unborn babies cant control it or get away from it :(
maybe i'm too judgemental, or maybe just because i despise it and don't do it, i can't stand to see it around children. hmm never mind i guess. xxx

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