Doc has refered me to EPU -UPDATE ON PAGE 4 ! PICTURE on page 6

I've popping on and off all afternoon hoping for this update, so pleased its good news xx
Yay!!!!! Woop woop I am so sohappy Hun!!!!! X x z x x
:cheer: That's great!! I'm so happpy for you. Time to start enjoying it now i recon.
That's fantastic. So glad to see this. & how good of them to give you another scan :)
Oh thats wonderful news!!

It seems as though we both are a week behind what we thought! I have my next early scan on 23rd June for reassurance too - hopefully though I'll see a heartbeat this time!
Fabulous - so pleased for you that you are getting another scan too :hug: xx
So happy for you!! And so glad you've got good docs and midwives around you who understand what you need :)
So happy 4 u jj (nice to see ur ticker back aswel) xxxx
Thats great news JJ im so pleased for you xxxxxx

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