Screening Results :(

only just saw this thread and wanted to wish u and ur hubby well :hugs:will be thinking of u while u await results and hoping all will be ok for you hun xxxx
Hi girls, hospital called last night and we have just come back from seeing them this morning. It's not good news. Trisomy 18 has been confirmed and it is the most severe type, rather than the less severe mosaic type. Most babies will not live until birth, and average lifespan after a live birth is 5-15 days.
We are truly, truly devastated and I can barely type this for crying. I don't think I can go through the rest of this pregnancy, just waiting for my baby to die......
This is absolutely heartbreaking. I cannot imagine how you both must be feeling right now. I burst into tears when I read this. Sending love and saying prayers for the 3 of you. Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Omg I am so so sorry to read that, it even made me cry!!
I can't begin to imagine what you must be going through! My thoughts are with u, ur hubby and ur little bean right now xox

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I am so so sorry to hear this news!! I don't really know much about all this, but all I can say is never give up hope hun! Stay strong, we are all here for you xxxx
Oh hun I am so sorry to hear about what you and your husband are going through. Please take care of yourself.... My thoughts and prayers are with you, your husband and your little one xx
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Oh hun, Ive only just seen your post , I wish I could have helped you before you had your cvs as I was 1 in 9 high risk and had the cvs too.

I'm so sorry your results were bad, I can't imagine how you must be feeling now, make sure you and hubby get lots of support and advice from the hospital to help you through this XXX
This is absolutely devastating and I cannot say or do anything to ease your pain, you and your hubby need to be strong and help each other through this, protect yourself, your relationship and do what you need to do x
Oh mishi honey I am so sorry and sad to read your news :( :hug: I can't even imagine how you and hubby are feeling. I hope you have lots of support around you both.

Life can be very cruel sometimes xxx
Oh my goodness, so so sorry to hear this news, thoughts are with you all :hugs: xxx
Omg so so sorry to hear your news :( how devastating :( I will keep you and your family in my prayers xxxx
So so sorry to read all this. Totally devastated for u. Hope u and oh can get thru this and be strong for each other. xx

Mishi I am so so so sorry!
If you need me at all please PM me again and I will be there to support you as much as I can!

Again- I am sorry and I will be here to talk to I you need me to be!
oh hunny im so sorry to hear this, i hope you and hubby will be strong for one another and get all the support you can :hugs:i really dont know much about it, but will keep u in my thoughts xxxx
I am really sorry to read this hun :hug:

Thinking of you xxx
Oh Mishi!! I'm so very sorry to hear this. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your husband. Its just devastating news. Please keep talking to us, let us help you through it :hugs: :hugs: xxxxxxx
Mishi, I am so, so sorry to hear your sad news. My thoughts are with you xxx

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