Sat in hospital.. *sighhh*


Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2012
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So yeah, I'm sat in Anti-Natal at the hospital..
Basically, my SPD has been ridiculous over this past week. Worse then ever before.. And iuts been pretty horrific!

I'm not sleeping
Can't turn over in bed without yelping
Waking up cause I'm crying my eyes out in pain
Randomly bursting into tears through day/night
Can't get out of bed to go to the toilet (I've actually had an accident)
My OH has to help me up out of bed, off the loo and from the sofa
I can't get up the stairs to go to the loo
I've actually had to pee in a bucket in the kitchen (the embarrassment!!)
Keeping my OH up when he needs sleep for work so I feel shit
Can't sleep on the sofa
I'm like a zombie, I look like I've been smacked in the face & have black eyes from lack if sleep
I've had panic attacks due to the pain n ot being able to get up for loo quick enough
The pains so bad it makes me go dizzy
The pains so bad my hips give way and I've had a few near misses falling (That's to OH being there to grab me) But I have fell before and I'm so scared incase I hurt her

The list could go on & on tbh!!!
So I rang them today, asking if there was anyway I could request a sweep or if I had to be told I needed one, etc. And the MW I spoke to at anti-natal saiud to come in, get checked and to see a doctor. But also did day, that it wouldn't mean I would get a sweep as a lot of women have spd at our hosp so they don't see iut as nessicery (sorry bad spelling).. I just gope they can see the pain I'm in..

I can't deal any longer! :'( And if I don't sleep. I'm not guna be in any fit state to push and go through a full labour without passing out eshausted!
Awe hun u poor thing hope hosp can help u xxx
Aw bless you sweetheart, you sound like you're living a nightmare at the moment. I really hope they see you quickly and can offer you some relief or positive suggestions to get things moving for you. Hope they sweep you etc. Take care and try and lose some of the stress and anxiety whilst you're waiting as being tense does make each pain worse but I understand thats easier said than done xx
Aw that sounds so awful! Hope they will be able to help you. Good luck at the hospital today! xx
Thanks ladies!
Hope I'm not here ages, but I will be sat here till they can squeeze me in x
Awww hun :(

Hope they have some answers for you xxxxxx
I hope you get the sweep you want. I didn't suffer from spd or anything and I laboured with no sleep and it was tough so understand why you are worried about it hun. I found I didn't sleep well for the 3 nights running up into going into labour. However, you may surprise yourself with how well you cope! Try and stay positive xxx
Aww bless u, hope they see how much pain ur in! :(
How many weeks are u? Fingers crossed for u xx

Tapatalking. X
Any news hun or u still waiting around??
Anything like my hops ull be there for a good 43245345634 hours :/ xx
oh you poor poor thing! Your OH sounds great though :)

Hope they can help you, I have read about women being induced due to horrific SPD!

Keep us updated and fingers crossed you arent waiting too long xxx
My friend was induced at 38 weeks due to really bad spd, so I hope they can help you xx
Only just got home from hospital, and I feel it was a bloody useless trip!

I explained everything to the MW, who is always lovely.
Ended up bursting into tears in the process.
They took my BP and done my urine.
Both fine.
Said they would wait for the registrar (sorry for spelling) to see me. Sat about a bit longer! Could her the two lovely MW's talking to someone about me - Saying that I should be induced, etc. Man came in, so I explained it all to him. He said he'd be back soon. MW's came back and were talking to me. Listened in to baby, she was being a pain and kept wiggling away.
Man came back.. Asked what pain killers I was taking, explained I was on 2 paracetamol & 2 codine every 4 hours - No help at all! Not even taking the edge off.
Decides he wants to put me on tramadol! NOT HAPPY!!! I don't like taking tablets while pregnant, nevermind something like that - I really don't wana be feeding my baby such strong pain releif!!! He didn't take kindly to me not wanting to take them - Basically implied 'well you can't be in that much pain' .. :shock: Fuming!!!
Then he said oh we'll send you to physio.. Already been to physio last week (tues - even though I've been trying to get an app with them since 24 weeks!!) and they told me that there's nothing they can do, as I'm in too much pain to do the exercises, and that I should of been seen sooner (its there fault I wasn't!!!) So they sent me away..
So registrar rang physio and made me an appointment for tomorrow.. No idea how am guna get there.. Don't drive, can't walk to bus stop and a taxi would cost £12 just to get there!!!

So that's there solution..
Tramadol that I don't feel comfortable taking.
And Physio.. That have already said they can't do anything.

Looks like I'm guna have to just deal.
Even though I had a fall in the hosp! Useles c***s! :(
Well thats shit!

Sorry but I would get your OH down to that hospital and demand something be done. If you're in pain that has a knock on effect on your stress levels etc for baby. If the nurses seeing you think you should be induced perhaps speak to them?

so sorry you're still feeling terrible :( xxxx
I'm back there on Thursday for a growth scan (again), so I'm guna have a go again then! Cause this is ridiculous :( it'll be diffo consultants & registrar on Thursday, so I'll try my look then lol x

MEN!!!! ARGH!!!!!

:( Ohh hun :( i wouldnt be happy taking tramadol either! I cant believe that all they can offer without them saying its your fault!!! arrrghghghghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh im angry for you!!! xx
Big hugs hope things get sorted for you soon xxx
Oh honey. That's awful. You'll have to try and get a second opinion on Thursday. Is your GP any good? Maybe he/she can help? It sounds like a nightmare. I really feel for you.
I really hope you've something sorted xxxx
Oh bless u! Bloody men! Hopefully u get somewhere on thurs

Tapatalking. X
Just been to get my Tramadol from the hospital pharmacy (My mum took me in the car - Couldn't go early cause its all the way at the other side of the hosp, in a seperate building - So physically couldn't of walked there from Anti-Natal.)

But even the Pharmacist uisnt happy with me being prescribed Tramadol!!

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