Help, urgent advice needed if anyones awake.

:rotfl: :rotfl:

Thats good then Tiny, I opt not to make sex noise during labour :)
lmao me too i hope it is optional!! i'll probably just be screaming, and the whole of PF will hear me. to watch out!!

glad to hear you got checked out and they didn't make you feel stupid, everytime i have had a problem they've spoke to me as if i'm some derranged crazy pregnant lady!!

shame about the SPD though :( not too sure what that is, but it doesn't sound nice!! is it something to do with the pubic bone stretching? or something like that.. 'cause if so OH's cousin was getting checked out for that i think!

feel better hun and relax loads :D xx
Glad alls okay hun, sounds like you'll have to take the remander of your pregnancy easy! Loving the sex noises comments, i think once you are in the zone you don't really care what sounds you are making and are sometimes unaware you are making quite so much noise! - its like anyone feeling shy about getting their kit off - believe my by the time you get to pushing you really don't care hehe

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