Sad day..

Noooooooooooooooooooooooooo! :cry:

Aw Samsgirl i'm totally gutted for you - it's so sad when bad things happen to lovely people.

I hope you and your fella are somehow managing to get each other through, just one day at a time :(

thanks louise....been a tough few days but my sam has been a complete rock, held my hand through it all xx
Oh dear Samsgirl, my heart goes out to you and Sam - I remember when you got your BFP as we were the same point in our cycles in the 2ww. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your OH. :hugs: :hugs:

I'm so sorry samsgirl :( so sad to read this. xx
Im so sorry hunny, its so sad to hear such a lovely person going through anything like this, my heart goes out to you and sam. Take care of yourself sweetie and take one day at a time. Massive :hugs: x x

Babe I am so so sorry :hug: I didn't want to read this at all. It isn't fair. You look after yourselfs and spend time together. If u need anything pm me ( I am a old hat at mc now unfortunately)
Babe I am so so sorry :hug: I didn't want to read this at all. It isn't fair. You look after yourselfs and spend time together. If u need anything pm me ( I am a old hat at mc now unfortunately)

yeah i sorry for you too xx
Think I have said everything to you that I can hun, so so sorry xx
had my scan letter waiting for me when i got home last night....was going to be 30th march....had to ring this morning an cancel it. Hopefully next time i get that letter, we will be able to attend and see our little bean alive and well....

i do have another scan on monday to follow up from yesterdays just to see how the miscarriage is going......not much fun. hoping it all comes away naturally, then i dont need further treatment and i can get my cylcles back to normal.....

thanks everyone for your ongoing support.....think i'm going to continue to need all my girls for a while yet..xx
Oh hun I am so sorry to read this. Sending lots of love and strength to you and Sam xxx
ah sam it is horrible when you get bits like that, My last mc i got home from hospital and i had a message on the answer phone from midwife for my booking in appointment. :hug:
Massive :hugs: sweetie, i nearly started crying when i seen you had received your letter, my heart goes out to you and sam. I know its hard hunny but try and stay strong. Im thinking of you and we are all here if you need us x x

Oh no :-(
I'm so so sorry! You don't deserve this at all :-(
I'm heartbroken for you both Hun. If you need a chat just pm me xxx


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