A sad week - just a rant

Sending you loads :hugs::hugs::hugs: hun. Hope you're ok. The girls are right tho. If you're not up to it you shouldn't have to go to work. This isn't just a physical thing you're going through it's emotional too. You need to have time for the grieving process. xxx
sorry sweety i had MMC at my 13 week scan, baby stoped growing at 10 weeks. I have had to have 2 weeks off work as its just too hard for me i am also in a lot of pain. I hve been taking 60mg of codiene plus 2 paracetamol every 4 hours. Sounds a lot but its safe ( mums a nurse ) and it wipes you out, plus seeing as the pain and grief keeps me awake i have been prescribed Trazodone to helkp me sleep. I hope you feel better soon, take all the time you need because this is so so hard hunny xxxx hugs to you
:hug: hun. I'm sorry.
You take care of yourself and take all the time you need off work. I hope you start sleeping better too.

I'm finding work hard but its taking my mind off it. Its constant company too.
Its now when I find it really hard, AJ's in bed and OH is at work. All I want is a hug off my OH.

Thanks for the advice, I'm going to go dig some codeine out and fill the hot water bottle. x
im soo sorry to hear this charliebear :( sending you lots of healing thoughts at such an awful time xxx
Just seen this chick :hug:
So sorry to hear it. Hope you manage some rest xx
hope you manage a bit of sleep. so sorry to hear of your loss xxx
So sorry Charliebear - hope you get some sleep tonight and hope tomorow is better for you.

Work will give you something else to keep busy with, but don't struggle on too much, you don't have to be super human, it's only natural to be a bit all over the shop, can you confide in your boss at all, or would that give the game away that you were TTC?
Thanks ladies.

So sorry Charliebear - hope you get some sleep tonight and hope tomorow is better for you.

Work will give you something else to keep busy with, but don't struggle on too much, you don't have to be super human, it's only natural to be a bit all over the shop, can you confide in your boss at all, or would that give the game away that you were TTC?

We haven't told anyone were TTC so haven't told any one of our loss :(
Its something we'll never forget and don't want to but I don't want to dwell on it even though its hard. I need to carry on as normal as possible. Its how I cope.

I've had a good day today.
Met some friends for shopping and lunch, then went to my aunt's house and saw my cousin and her 5 month old baby. I surprised myself, I had a good time. x
glad you had a good day, everyone copes differently, but allow yourself the space if and when you need it, because you might not now, but it might catch you unawares later. We didn't tell anyone we were ntnp but i found my friends so supportive when i told them about the mc, although once they were past the surprise that i'd been pregnant. don't feel you can't tell anyone cos they weren't in it form the begining if you need to share xxx
glad you had a good day, everyone copes differently, but allow yourself the space if and when you need it, because you might not now, but it might catch you unawares later. We didn't tell anyone we were ntnp but i found my friends so supportive when i told them about the mc, although once they were past the surprise that i'd been pregnant. don't feel you can't tell anyone cos they weren't in it form the begining if you need to share xxx

Thank you.
Your talking a lot of sense.
I saw my mum too today and didn't know if I should have told her or not. Then I thought about it and didn't know what I would say.

I'm finding it harder when people ask if were going to have another. Yes I know AJ is nearly 3 and 'its time', but stop asking already!
My aunt asked when I was changing the baby today :( Just a comment she always makes but it cut deep.

But on the whole like I said a good day. x
especially with planning our wedding people keep saying to me 'ooh next it will be a little one' etc etc they mean well but sometimes i want to shout from the roof tops that i should be 20/21 weeks now and feeling my LO kick me.
especially with planning our wedding people keep saying to me 'ooh next it will be a little one' etc etc they mean well but sometimes i want to shout from the roof tops that i should be 20/21 weeks now and feeling my LO kick me.

:hug: x

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