Miscarriage at 8/9 weeks


Nov 11, 2007
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Am fairly new to this site and have only posted once, i have been experiencing difficulties with spotting turning into bleeding with clots - well i went for a scan today and it was confirmed that i am in the process of miscarrying. Feel so devastated and lost and most of all empty right now, was hoping for some comfort from you all to help me through this awful time...

Jxxxxxxx :cry: :(
Sweetheart, I undertsand what your going thro right now, has i am going thro the same, do you have MSN at all?

Huge Huge Cuddles Right now.....
Hi Charlie

Unfortunately i don't have msn... it is an awful time and you obviously understand what i am going through.

We will get through it i am sure, but right now the hurt is just unbearable.

Sweetheart, Please call me Mel (My log in name is the name of my horse)

I started Miscarring on Wedesday and it wasnt confirmed till Thrusday morning, Wedesday night was the worse night of my life, it really was, i was given a scan and to see my womb on the screen empty was heartbreaking, i never thought my first scan would show me that, That killed me and i had my mum in the room too, i could see her broke her too....

I had only known i was Pregant for a few weeks and i was just getting used to the idea, and then within a night it was all taken away, and i cant help blaming myself, have i dont something wrong, did i not do anything right.....

All i can say is i do know what your going thro, and you know it will make us stronger in the long run, just not right now, and remember its good to cry, and if you need a shoulder to lean on im happy to lean one of mine, we could have a cry together....let it all out....

My PM box is open if you want a private chat.... :hug:
Hi Mel

Just like you i had known i was pregnant for a couple of weeks and was very much getting used to the idea... to have it taken away is devastating.

I went for a scan when i was 7wks 5dys and they couldn't find a heartbeat so i sort of knew what was happening but you try to keep that little bit of hope.

Today when there was nothing there well like you its unthinkable and i blame myself although i know it has nothing to do with us. I am hoping it will make me stronger in the long run.

I might take you up on the offer and pm ya...

Thank u so much for the reply i appreciate it.

J xxxxxxxxx
I have been in and out of hopstail all week, when i began spotting i though the worse, i tried to relax, but when it began heavey i just knew what was happening but it still didnt pepare me for the scan, seeing the screen empty was the most heartbreaking thing ever, she did an interal scan too, to make sure and it killed me, i knew but i didnt want to see it, but i did ask..... :cry:
Just found out that my sister in law had a miscarriage at 8 weeks, feel so sorry for her. She had been crying all day but she is trying to cope. I can only sympathise with you ladies :hug:
Hi, I am so sorry to hear those news :cry: I have also been through it 27 days ago ( I keep count as I can not get over it ). I am trying to relax and think positive. Be sure that you haven't done anything wrong. 1 in 4 pregnancies ( specially the first ones) end it up in miscarriage in 1st trimester. It's one of those things.. this might be due to hormonal imbalance or wrong match up of chromosones. Give yourself time to grief and wait for the next period and then start trying again. Lots of girls are pregnant within few weeks of miscarriage.

Good luck and lots of baby dust.

:hug: :hug: :hug: xxx Petra
:hug: i am really sorry for your loss, it is a horrible thing to happen there is nothing anyone can say or do that will make you feel any better, its good that you have found this site as i have found that i really helped me when i went through it :hug: take care of yourself and let yourself grieve for your loss you will probabally find that in the next few weeks you will have all kind of feelings about it, you will have days when you feel really bad and others that are not so bad but hopefully in time the really bad days will get less.

take care
Thank you to you all or your replies... it really helps to hear from you.

It is the most devastating news, and i am experiencing all sorts of feelings 1 minute i'm ok the next the tears start to flow. I am sure within time it will get easier and i hope to be back on here soon.

This site has helped me so much as others have experienced it and know what i am going through.

Thank you all again.

Jane xxxxx :cry:

What your feeling is completely normal, one minute i seem has fine has i can be and the next im breaking down in tears, we have to have time to grief and come to terms with the lose and of course that affects everyone in a different way....

Right now (know it might sound silly) i am looking for some kind of angel figure as a kind of remember of the baby i was carrying you know....
Hi jane, sorry to hear about your loss. It's not fair at all is it. Stay positive and just go with how you feel. I found it hard as there wasn't alot there really but we'd got so attached already, started making plans. It's still hard but the pain is easing slowly. It will for you too.

Take care of yourself and rest.
:hug: :hug: :hug:

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