thanks ladies....had my rescan and have been discharged. all okay and miscarriage complete...naturally, thankfully....
started crying as soon as i lay on the bed but feel okay again now....
was told i need to watch my weight as thats why my periods are light but she told me 100% this was not the cause of miscarriage and she told me to watch it just to be more healthy and in the best shape to get bean attempt number started today anyway!
i asked why i didnt bleed loads and its because i lost most of the pregnancy in one clot (sorry tmi) on saturday night....the contractions i was having kind of forced it all out in one go and so there was no need for my womb to keep bleeding to - remove pregnancy. makes sense now i suppose. so i have been lucky in the way that i miscarried naturally...thankful for small mercies...
time to move on now and back to work tomorrow...xx
Not sure about your periods being light because of your weight? I am over weight (I have never been skinny) and have and have always had quite heavy periods that always last for 7 days.
Hope you're ok and work is ok tomorrow. xx
thanks....the light periods thing is really worrying me...but the fact i conceived shows that everything muct be okay and the scan showed that my womb is building a maybe i am just lucky that i dont have really heavy periods....
It's good that the lining is building up already, I don't think your periods will have had anything to do with the MC, unfortunately nature doesn't always get its blue print right.
Take it east tomorrow, hope it takes your mind of things and you have nice supportive colleagues. xx
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