possible miscarriage!

Little Miss Joslyn

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2005
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Hi, I feel so confused. :oops: :shock: :? My period is due tomorrow and I had a bleed on wipeing yesterday when i found out my sister was pregnant. It was a small clot and now nothing! I have no pain so could i have lost my little bean I wonder as I worked myself up finding out about my sister when i have been trying for a year and she has fallen in 2 months! have just looked in the mirror and my eyes are all puffy fron crying last night ! :cry: have only got half day at work today as going to theatre with my now pregnant sister and her pregnant friend but dont think i can handle it! Could it be implantaion bleed and should i do a test in morning ? Dont know what to do as I feel so upset and now no bleed then i thought my period had come. i feel so frightened as I had a miscarriage March 05 and March 06 and dont think i can handle it again.
please reply as any help or advice would be greatly apreciated. x
I am sorry hun, i don't really know but i just wanted to give tou hugs :hug: if it's gonna be upsetting tonight i am sure your sis would inderstand if you don't go

All my love with you x
hi puff puff, i would do a test in the morning, but in the meantime put your feet up & rest.

as for tonight if you feel you cannot handle going then don't go hun.

good luck & i pray you get a BFP :pray:

take care.emma.xx
Hmmm. I know if it was me I would test first thing in the morning.

Good luck Puff puff regardless of the result.

:hug: xx
hun i agree with wobbles do a test in morning and take it from there not sure what else to say at moment but im thinking about you :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Thanks for your advice. Have had a good cry this morning and decided to do a test tomorrow if af still hasnt come. At the moment it is just brown discharge on and off. have decided to go to the theatre to see Guys and Dolls as it might cheer me up. Gonna be strong and not let this ruin my night. x :)
Morning, I went to show and all my sister was on about was me not getting pregnant and how i may need a camera treatment of the D and C may have caused a blockage. :x She really doesnt understand the pain im going through like some of you on here. :roll:
I did a test this morning after a light period which keeps stopping and starting and it is negative! I dont know what my body is doing thses days.
have just got a letter this morning asking me to go for an apointment at the hospital on 26th September to talk about my options and results of hormone tests. I didnt think it would come to this after falling pregnant so quickly and now i cant get pregnant! :oops: :shock:
hope all those TTC get a baby soon and those pregnant have a happy and healthy pregnancy. Thanks again for your concern and comfort girls. it means a lot. :) x
Puff puff if you think there is a blockage (didn't know about this) can't the hospital do something sooner?

How many days have you been spotting?

Hi Wobbles, i dont think there is a blockage, its just what my sister thinks! my period has stated today now full beam and heavy and im feeling very light headed. Haeve made appointment at the doctors today to find out my results from blood tests so hopefully will have some idea of why im not falling or miscarrying early.
how are you getting on hun with everything?
Ahhh I see, well I hope you get some answers SOON! :pray:

Me - Up & down! We'll get there :pray:
Found out that the reason im not getting pregnant is because im not ovulating! :shock: the doctor has given me some pills called clomid which will help me release eggs but there is a chance of triplets or twins!
Well at least i will only have to do it the once. lol :D
Really how did you find out?

Puff puff start charting chick, I would! Was that not mentioned by your GP? I have heard it can be recommended!
My friends sister took Clomid after being diagnosed with PCOS and got pg nearly straight away - good luck!

As for twins - instant family!
how do i chant Wobbles? Im a chanting virgin! :rotfl: Do I have to buy a thermometer or something?. I have heard about chanting but never thought of trying it.x
Sorry, im a bit p***ed :dance: i meant charting not chanting like a fairy in the enchanted forest! he he. Before you ask, im not on drugs, im just a looney. :cheer:
OMG puff puff I though you were takin the mick an went to check if I said 'chanting' :rotfl:
I would say with your circumstance buy a Boots fertiliy thermometer chick .. Buy one of those an moi will guide you from there :D
Cant sleep :bored: Took one of those Clomid last night and I have had upset tummy and now my tummy is aching. my OH said that I had upset tummy before I took it! :shock: I am soooooooooo parinoid at the moment as my friend was still having periods when pregnant and it wasnt until she had a ultrasound that she knew she was pregnant.! Im convnced that im pregnant as I feel like shit and all my clothes dont fit me now which is annoying me. :x :oops: im also allergic to lactose which the tablets have in them! and they say not to have them if you are pregnant!
Dont know what to do now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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