Recurrent miscarriage thread

I was considering baby aspirin when we try again as I seem to conceive fine it's the keeping them I can't do. But then I found out that because I'm allergic to ibuprofen, I will probably be allergic to aspirin too... Does anyone know if there's truth behind that?
Iwant3 - that's a great positive story. Sorry you had to go through all that pain but so glad you got your little girl in the end. Ive had a ton of ladies mention the low dose aspirin and Im really willing to give anything a try next time!

Kittykitchn - I have an appointment with a nutritionist next week so I can keep you updated on any advice she gives if you like? Sounds like you have half the battle won with the no smoking/drinking/caffeine. The drinking and caffiene are both things I need to really work on. Ive been nosing around the website today but its a little overwhelming and I don't know where to start! I don't want to just jump in and start mixing herbs or anything, could make things worse.
So far I just have some raspberry leaf tea, my prenatal vitamin & maca capsules.
I was considering baby aspirin when we try again as I seem to conceive fine it's the keeping them I can't do. But then I found out that because I'm allergic to ibuprofen, I will probably be allergic to aspirin too... Does anyone know if there's truth behind that?

Im allergic to aspirin but can use ibuprofen fine. It may differ from one person to the next? Im not sure.
I have my RCM appointment in a few weeks - does anyone know if they will they test for allergies to asprin andibuprofen.

Also at some point i'm going to put a thread together on questions to ask - but are there any questions you ladies think should be asked or wished you had asked?
I was gonna try aspirin too but then I wasn't sure on whether it would thin my lining as think I read it can do! So I got confused xxx
ohh I love the raspberry leaf tea. I need to get some more tomorrow actually.
Are you just doing more general exercise or anything specific? Im going to start yoga soon after my mc bleeding stops, and I really, really want to commit twice a week a least. Ive never been an exercise fan so hopefully I can find something I enjoy so I can stick it out!
In general more cardio and then stuff like push ups situps etc (prob wont do sit ups in tww) and been doing yoga :D xx
Just wanted to share my TTC story,
We started TTC in April 2012 - fell pregnant 1st cycle but miscarried at 5weeks naturally.
Fell pregnant again February 2013 again miscarried naturally at 5 weeks
Fell pregnant June 2013 - Missed Miscarriage at 8 weeks, needed medical management for retained products.
Started investigations for recurrent misscariage, All blood tests were normal.
Fell pregnant August 2013, started on 75mg Aspirin as soon as we got the BFP. Delivered my baby boy at 38+6 (April 2014)
Fell pregnant July 2014- took aspirin when got BFP but blighted ovum at 10 weeks, had D&C.
Fell pregnant December 2014 - took aspirin on BFP currently 26+1 week with our little girl.

I truly believe the Aspirin has helped us stay pregnant, it's been a tough journey to get our babies and there have been times when I wanted to give up. I still miss all my angel babies everyday.
I hope each and everyone of you love,y ladies get your rainbow babies very soon. Nobody should have to endure the pain and heartache of loosing a baby

Michelle x
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How did you get on with your appointment today Coco?

Thanks for sharing your story Michelle - that must have been such a heart breaking journey but well worth it for your lo and the lo cooking at the moment.

I've had a mixed emotional day today. my sister called me this morning to tell me she was 9 weeks pregnant. this is fabulous news as she has been trying for as while with polycytic ovaries (is that the right term) and I'm very excited for her. she has known since 5 weeks but was worried about telling me. I love that she cares enough about me to worry about me but honesty would have rathered she told me earlier when she wanted to. she had no idea she was pregnant and only round out when the dr told her she was after going for blood tests to check all was ok as she wasn't falling pregnant! A lovely surprise, but once the excitement wore off today I felt a bit low as it brought up all the emotions and heart ache associated with RMC.
Oh platypus that must be so hard, but what a great and caring relationship you and your sister must have.
I have two nieces, and whilst I'm desperate for my own I can honestly say there is nothing quite like being an Auntie - you really do get to share in all the best bits.
Big hugs x x x

I'm planning on making a Drs appointment to find out about the aspirin / ibuprofen allergy thing, but if anyone finds out sooner then can they post? I guess like kitty said it's all individual but if the only way of finding out is by taking some then I'm not going to risk it as no one is home with me on my days off work if I did react.
How is everyone going?
We had our hospital appointment on Wed, they basically confirmed the miscarriage was compete, very quick this time.
Their advice was pretty much as expected - keep trying. She is double checking with another hospital who specialises in recurrent miscarriage to see if there are any extra tests that we haven't done yet. But thinks we have already done all the tests on offer.
They showed us the statistics for ladies with multiple losses and it seems even after a third miscarriage, there is still almost a 70% chance the next will be ok.
She basically said the odds are so good that her advice is to just try again. So, that leaves us in the tcc cycle yet again.
To be honest, Im actually feeling positive right now. There will be no magic answers in a hospital, if I want to help my chances for next time, it is now up to me.
So, we are jumping deep into the natural approach; trying to rid as many toxins from our diet, nutritionist appointment next week, I started fertility yoga yesterday and have booked an acupuncture/massage session in a couple of weeks....phew. Im determined to get a baby one day!!

oh, and Im going to try the baby aspirin next time I get my bfp, which hopefully wont take too long.
Sending you lots of sticky baby dust Cocosherbie, truly hope your rainbow baby isn't far away x

Michelle x
Thanks madsticks, the last 48 hours has been a rollercoaster of emotions. For weeks now I have been feeling emotional and upset and this has all come to a head yesterday with me having a major pity party for myself. But my husband showed me once more just why I love him listening to it all come out and I'm feeling better coming out the other side of the pity party.
aw platypus, sorry you're having a rough couple of days. Glad hubby is here for you to help support, and we are always online to listen too :)

I know how bittersweet it can be when someone close announces a pregnancy. My brother & sister in law called us on Christmas day telling us their news, they had been tying for ages too so we are so happy for them, but after we got off the phone I just broke down. I felt like such a failure. They are both younger than me and I felt like I should have been next :-(
I soon got through my little meltdown and now Im just excited to be an aunty.
So let yourself have a cry, you will get there soon too don't worry. Just not our time right now.
Just wanted to share my TTC story,
We started TTC in April 2012 - fell pregnant 1st cycle but miscarried at 5weeks naturally.
Fell pregnant again February 2013 again miscarried naturally at 5 weeks
Fell pregnant June 2013 - Missed Miscarriage at 8 weeks, needed medical management for retained products.
Started investigations for recurrent misscariage, All blood tests were normal.
Fell pregnant August 2013, started on 75mg Aspirin as soon as we got the BFP. Delivered my baby boy at 38+6 (April 2014)
Fell pregnant July 2014- took aspirin when got BFP but blighted ovum at 10 weeks, had D&C.
Fell pregnant December 2014 - took aspirin on BFP currently 26+1 week with our little girl.

I truly believe the Aspirin has helped us stay pregnant, it's been a tough journey to get our babies and there have been times when I wanted to give up. I still miss all my angel babies everyday.
I hope each and everyone of you love,y ladies get your rainbow babies very soon. Nobody should have to endure the pain and heartache of loosing a baby

Michelle x

Wow, what a rollercoaster you've been on! Nice to see another positive story.
I remember you from the psychic prediction thread last year and remember how heartbreaking it was when you lost your pregnancy after it seemed like you got a correct prediction!
Great to hear all seems to be going well with your pg now though.

I went to a psychic in November last year and she predicted a definite pregnancy for me early this year - I was so certain my last one was going to stick. She even gave me a little crystal to take with me to the scans for positivity.
Ill keep it safe for next time though :)
Thanks Cocosherbie. It has certainly been the hardest 3 year of my life. I never truly understood how heartbreaking TTC could be. I nievly believed I would just fall pregnant quickly then I would have my baby safely in my arms 9 months later as that's what happened to all my friends and family. I never thought for one minute we would go through half of what we have but we made it in the end and I am truly grateful for all the love and support I received from everyone on this forum I know I wouldn't of persevered with our journey without them.

Michelle X
Hi again ladies, how are you all?

I've recently read some studies about the health benefits of Turmeric and wondered if anyone else had ever heard of using it in this context?
Apparently it's a natural anti inflammatory and can help with circulation / reduction of clots.

Thoughts? X
hey madsticks, doing ok, how about you?
Ive heard some pretty great things about turmeric too. I keep some fresh in the fridge and add a little bit to juice sometimes. I really don't like the taste of it so I only use a little. You can buy it in capsule form I think.

We just had an appointment with a nutritionist tonight and she is formulating a fertility diet, she said turmeric is great.
A lot of the changes she said we should make are common sense stuff we were starting to do anyway; no caffeine, no alcohol :cry:no sugar, more exercise.

Shes sending us through some specific food recommendations and meal plans too.

Also, I read a book a couple of days ago; Coming to Term; Uncovering the truth about miscarriage. It was really interesting, I couldn't put it down. Basically it summarises many of the major miscarriage studies that have been done in the past 100 years in easy to read terms, nothing too medical or sciency. Written by a guy whose wife had 3 mc, and who was trying to gather all the info he could about it.
I really recommend it
Have only just seen this thread and hope you don't mind me sharing my experience.

I had 3 miscarriages (all around 6-8w) back in 2011. In the space of a year we'd had three losses, plus all our testing at the recurrent miscarriage clinic. I had 14 vials of blood taken in one go <grim>

On the day we went back for our results I got BFP number 4 and this did turn out to be our sticky bean. As the results for our RM testing didn't show a problem I wasn't offered anything BUT I know other ladies have had medications prescribed.

Recurrent miscarriage is incredibly isolating and lonely. We didn't tell anyone about our pregnancies - barring first one and sticky one - so we dealt with a lot of the grief by ourselves. I am not sure if this was a healthy thing to do but looking back I feel for us it was the right course of action.

We were eventually blessed with a beautiful boy, born on his Daddy's birthday.

I went on to have a 4th miscarriage when our son was 1 but then went on to have another successful pregnancy.

In my time here on PF I have come across many other recurrent miscarriage sufferers and they have all - barring one but she is pregnant again - gone on to have a rainbow baby.

All I can say is that even in the darkest of moments you have to keep your channels of communication open with your partner. Don't shut them out as they hurt too.
Also don't isolate yourself too much from family and friends - sadly people will have babies whilst you are still waiting but don't allow your loss to spoil your relationships.

Be patient and kind to yourself and most importantly never, ever give up hope.

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Thanks for sharing carnat, some good advice in there and good news that we are likely to get there.

How is every one feeling? I gone from a pity party to being hopeful again 6dpo and we did it like it was going out of fashion to hopeful that egg and sperm met. I also have my rmc appointment on Friday, would really love to go with a bfp.
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How is everyone doing?

I'm still on the rollercoaster of emotions, this week was the due date of my 2nd pregnancy, this morning af arrived with a vengeance and this afternoon I had the rmc. I almost started crying when she asked where I was in my cycle and I said day 1.

It didn't take too long about 40 minutes in total. The consultant was lovely and asked me for my mc history and bits about my health (drink, smoke, caffeine etc) and then family history and illnesses. She explained that they no longer karotype the parents but if i were to mc again she would want me to sent the tissue for testing. She explained I would get blood taken to test for clotting factors and Hughes syndrome. She also referred me to get a ultrasound (the appointment will come in the mail soon) to check all is well there. I got my bloods taken today and it was the usual traumatic event involving multiple needles as my veins stop cooperating to give the 9 tubes wanted for testing. The next bit now is to wait for my ultrasound.

I asked what will happen with my next preg. As soon as I get my bfp I need to call my consultant and they will scan me just to check the pregnancy is not ectopic, as soon as they see a sac in the right place they will start me on heparin. I asked if they would put me on aspirin and I'm not too sure exactly what she said here, but apparently since I know I'm factor 5 Leiden she probably won't (or at least that is how I interpreted, will ask again when I have a bfp).

So now I wait as she said she will wait for both the scan and the bloods before coming back to me, either in a letter if they find nothing or via phone if they find something.

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