Breastfeeding Support Thread

Definitely the right place for it. When my milk came in on the morning my breasts were so hard, Ellie could not latch on. I had to express a couple of ounces of just to soften then enough. I did make sure that I fed the bottle of expressed milk to her on the evening. It didn't take more than a few days before I did not need to do this on the morning.
are there any breast feeding support groups in southwales? im in port talbot. and tried with my 1st but have flat nipples.. midwifes were aweful and told me i couldnt feed with those nipples!
i got the nipplette and it didnt work. this time ive bought my own nipplete and got a string adjustable suction eletric pump. but i need help.. and guidance? i didnt fill up last time either. i feel a bit depressed about not beign able to feed my last and really really want to do it this time.
Nicky_Jones said:
Definitely the right place for it. When my milk came in on the morning my breasts were so hard, Ellie could not latch on. I had to express a couple of ounces of just to soften then enough. I did make sure that I fed the bottle of expressed milk to her on the evening. It didn't take more than a few days before I did not need to do this on the morning.

Thanks for the reply, i did end up having to express a bit as i couldn't latch her on to one breast. thanks again. :hug:
As long as you don't express loads you'll be fine, just give them a little squeeze and express that way to stop them getting too engorged. :)
Hiya all, am also a newbie in here :D I have been bf Freya for ... well since she was born and she seems to feed well, every 2-3 hours during the day and about 3 hourly at night, her nappies are very wet but I havn't had any yellow poo yet :? had one changing poo that was the night before last and about 4 meconium poos before that, is that normal?? She seems to be constantly 'bubbling' in her tummy but there isnt a lot of action at the moment, what do you think?
Perfectly normal hunny :D Breastmilk is made to give your baby the amount it needs, therfore you wont have much or any waste :)

Bubbling is normal too, Olivias still does :hug: welldone hunny :hug:
Hi everyone. I need help :(

I'm desperate to make B/F work this time as it failed last time. It's been nearly 4 weeks now and my boobs are still really sore - they aren't cracked, my nipples feel permanently bruised. I went to a B/F clinic at the hospital and was assured that she's latching on OK.

Also every day she gets really fussy all afternoon and is pretty much camped out at my boobs from as early as 3pm until we go to bed. Most nights she isn't settling until 2.30-3.30am - after which she can sleep for between 2 and 5 hours. I never feel as though I have much milk in the afternoon so am worried she's fussing because she's hungry.

I feel so tired that I don't know how much longer I can carry on for. My DH and all my family keep telling me to give her formula and even the HV mentioned it last week as she hasn't got back to her birth weight yet. But I know that as soon as I start giving formula it will deplete my milk supplies even further - I feel like I'm permanently having to battle with everyone to justify my decision to keep B/F.

Please does anyone have any advice as to
1. Can I increase my milk supply or is that not the problem
2. Why are my boobs still so sore - is this normal or should it have eased by now?
3. How do I get her to go longer between feeds in an afternoon so at least I have time to 'make more milk'??????

I'm feeling very down - any help will be greatly appreciated

I cant really help with the 'what to do' of it but what I can is that if you are having doubts about stopping then dont stop. I wholeheartedly regret stopping. Like you, my dh wasnt tmega supportive and wanted me to stick with the bottle as we did it with the first baby but I have a pain in my heart when I think about how much I wanted to do it this time and how easily I gave up. I was also really low on iron (maybe you to??) and that definately didnt help. I was also quite low (mentally) which isnt the best time to be making ireversable decisions.

I hope you make a decision thats right for you and the baby. Its your baby and your boobies.
lauramumof2 said:
I was also really low on iron (maybe you to??) and that definately didnt help.

Thanks so much for your reply. My iron levels are still low and I'm on iron tablets - can that have an impact? I had a PPH after giving birth and my milk was definitely late coming in as a result.

Oh thats definately got something to do with it. Your body is run down without proper iron intake and that will affect your milk. :hug:
I was a mess after Joe, they wanted me to have a transfusion but I said no as I wanted home.
Go see your doc and he might be able to do something about your doseage. Drinking orange juice helps you absorb it :D
I dont really know what a pph is?
Good tip re. drinking juice - I seem to remember something about Vitamin C helping absorb iron - I'll stock up on fresh orange juice.

PPH is post-partum haemorrhage which is what's caused the anaemia in my case.

Thanks again :hug:

I reckon you're probably doing just fine :hug: :hug: (even though I appreciate it may not feel like it lol). Being a permanent fixture is quite normal, most babies tend to cluster feed and especially in the evening. Sure yours is starting a little earlier in the afternoon (Debs would start at 5) but it's still the same pattern. Constant feeding is actually the best way to increase your milk supply so let her carry on. if your HV is saying any different, remind her that the gov recommends you should now breastfeed exclusively for the first 6 months and that her giving you different advice is way too confusing. Perhaps look up your local La Leche League or Breastfeeding Network for more advice? The NCT also have people who can help. When I had problems getting my supply established (like you I had a PPH) Budge suggested lots of rest and lots of good food (mainly porridge lol) to keep me going which was really useful. Have you tried Lanisoh or similar for your nipples? It might be an idea to go back to the breastfeeding clinic as they may be able to suggest other ways to remove the pain perhaps using nipple shields. Also I actually support my boob with my hand whilst I'm feeding, when I don't it does hurt mainly because my boobs are huge and the pressure of them sagging so much :oops: is nasty lol.

ps, it's also possible you are hitting your first growth spurt when they just feed ALL the time! In which case your body is obv. keeping up so go with the flow lol.
littlebump said:
Please does anyone have any advice as to
1. Can I increase my milk supply or is that not the problem
2. Why are my boobs still so sore - is this normal or should it have eased by now?
3. How do I get her to go longer between feeds in an afternoon so at least I have time to 'make more milk'??????

I'm feeling very down - any help will be greatly appreciated


:hug: first of all

1. Yes you can increase your supply, I reccomend eating porrige and drinking lots of water, if its still not enough I suggest you take Fenugreek.

Fenugreek increases milk supply wuthin a week or so, take 3, 3x a day.
You can get it from holland and barrat.

2. Perfectly normal, mine didnt stop being sore until Oli was about 3 months, have you got cream for them? I used lasinoh its brilliant and will redness the soreness if constantly put on after every feed.

3. I felt like you too, that there wasnt enough. In the early weks its very important to keep putting your baby to the breast when ever they want it, it is constant but it all helps towards buildung and establishing your milk supply by 6 weeks, by not puuting your baby to the breast all the time you will prolong the natural process.

It is hard work, there are many ups and downs, but they are perfectly normal :D

Oli fussed alo too and was upset when I didnt have enough, it will be like that for at least the first 3 months, but now at 6 months shes doing fantasticly well and im so glad I stuck at it.

Please pm me if you need any help :hug:
My baby is 7 weeks old today.
When she was born I started breastfeeding, and of course incounterd all the usual problems, mostly feeding SO frequently was very stressful and tbh I didnt really understand that it was normal, due to not having any support in the first week or so (coz my health visitor was on holiday, she visited on the 3rd day, which was a fat lot of good, it's a little later that i needed the help. and i havent seen her since)
Anyway... I really tried, but I fed her for ages (a good half hour or more) on one breast and straight onto the other breast and she was still hungry and ended up constantly screaming all day and we couldnt do anything to settle her and it was so stressful and everyone (my family etc) kept on saying "are you sure she's getting enough?" (errm no i'm not sure at all!!)
I got told to try expressing milk between feeds!! I was like WHAT??! there IS no "between feeds"!! so this was impossible!
So i never really had any support, and I didnt have time to get near the computer to use this site.
Anyway we ended up giving her a bottle and she was finally content, to start with she was just having one bottle a day in the afternoon and I was BF the rest of the time, then she started having one before bed too.
By the way she has always slept through the night for at least 6 hours sometimes more so I never had night feeds which might not have helped with my milk supply.
So now she has one breast when she wakes up in the morning she has the other a couple of hours later and then after each BF she has a bottle, I hate giving her bottles and the reason I'm here is because last night she kept crying while i was trying to feed her and kinda pushing me away and it was really upsetting esspecially when she seemed so happy when she was given a bottle.
I know I've totaly messed it up but I honestly dont think I had a choice and now there seems to be no turning back.
Oh i'm sorry i've just gone on and on I dont really know what I want to hear as a responce tbh hopefully someone else has been in this situation, I just dont want to give up BF.
Hi Mel

First of all, well done for continuing to breast feed as well as formula - it would be so much easier to give up altogether - you've done so well to stick with it.

Reading your thread, the unsettled baby - crying after a long feed - could be the result of baby trying to stimulate more milk during a growth spurt - totally normal and certainly something I've been through myself. You always wonder if you are giving them enough, but eventually provided baby has a good latch, if you are able to stick with it (as exhausting as it is), your body will make enough milk if you keep putting baby to the breast.

I asked for help on this thread in increasing my supply and was told porridge for breakfast and take fenugreek tablets - I tried both and they worked a treat. I also went to a bf clinic to make sure she was latching on correctly. I had similiar battles with my DH, parents and in-laws all telling me I didn't have enough milk and to give her formula - so I totally sympathise with you - it's not easy when you get zero support from everyone else.

It's not too late to turn back - especially if you are still breastfeeding. My friend had to bottle feed her baby a LOT during her first few weeks as her baby was being looked after by family members while my friend stayed with her eldest daughter who was sick in hospital. She was still able to establish and then maintain a good milk supply once they were all back home and things returned to normal. She said it was hard work but she was glad she did it.

First time around I gave up after 6 weeks as my little one wasn't gaining weight, and not a day went by when I didn't wish I'd tried harder and got better help. So all I can say is if you are regretting your decision to start giving formula then I really recommend going to a bf clinic as soon as possible - they will be able to help you. If you can't get there until next week then I would start off by going back to breastfeeding last feed of the night (even if you have to top up a bit to start with) as I understand this is one of the most important feeds for maintaining good milk supply as your hormones are at their highest during the night.

Lots of luck :hug:

Thankyou little bump, that really helps to hear someone else has managed it. I will continue to try, and be brave and get some help as soon as I can trouble is i'm one of those "I'll do it 2morro" people and I never do but I will do it 2morro. and I'll get myself some porridge (hopefully she'll acctually give me time to eat it :pray: )
No worries. I was thinking about it a little more last night and I actually should have said that if you are happy with the latch then start putting her to the breast as often as possible even though you'll probably then give a little formula in addition - it will be time consuming to start with as you gradually increase your supply but will settle down once the supply is re-established.

If it's possible she's not latching on correctly then definitely get to a bf clinic ASAP to get that sorted.

Good luck - I hope it works out for you both!

I just wanted to record my experiences so far, because they have been a revealation to me, so I wanted to share the experience.

Charlotte latched on shortly after she was born at 20.37 and had a good feed, which felt fantastic. She then slept all through the night and didn't show any interest in another feed. The midwife in the hospital recommended waking her about 9 the next morning, but my nipples had gone flat, which can apparently happen after delivery (they have always been OK before) so it was a bit of a trial getting latched on and the midwife (who was excellent) had to manhandle me a bit to get going. Charlotte still wasn't particularly interested in feeding that day, but did have another couple of feeds, again with the midwife helping if I couldn't get he latched on. She woke once in the night for a feed (which I managed all by myself - including a change and settling her back down - I was very proud) and then settled into a routine of 4 hours between feeds.

I thought I had it sorted - we wnet home when she was two days old and she fed every 4 hours and then went back to sleep.
However, my milk came in when she was 4 days, and I fed constantly from 12am to around 9 the next morning. I phoned the labour ward at 5 (it was a sunday morning) because I had no idea that this could happen and thought something was desperately wrong. I kept thinking that if her stomache is the size of a walnut - where is it all going?They told me it was perfectly normal, and just to carry on feeding. I did, but also phoned the community midwife when they got in at 9 to check, and they also said it was normal. I was glad afterwards that I had not got any formula or bottles in "just in case" as I think I would have been tempted to use them.

after that first night, my nipples were in a bit of a state - chapped and scabby (but no longer flat!). The MW recommended lanolin which I used after each feed, and they recovered quite quickly, and we have not had a problem since. The other problem was that I started to have trouble latching her onto my right boob. The MW suggested the "rugby ball" hold, thinking she had a preference for one side and this would trick her into thinking it was the same side. I actually found the problem was that that breast was very drippy, and so was slippy when she tried to latch on and she couldn't getr hold. Now i just make sure it is dry and problem solved. I stuck with the rugby ball hold though and use it on both sides as I feel more comfortable that way - it is supposed to be good if you have large breasts - which I do.

After that initial night, she settled into a pattern of long sleeps (4 hours) in the day, and 3 hours at night, but with cluster feeds in the evening - I was feeding for about 4 hours fairly constantly in the evenings (we had to make sure all our meals could be eaten with one hand!)

This pattern has changed, firstly she was feeding more in the afternoon, and less in the evening, which meant a more civilised dinner, which was great. once this happened, wh have tried to start a bedtime routine, with a bath around 7, a feed and then bed. She can usually then go a couple of hours before another feed, and is then into feeding about every 3 hours through the night.

Now, she is feeding alot in the morning - every half to 1 hour, a little less in the afternoon and evening, but no more than 2 hours between feeds, and often a lot less. Last night, she had some EBM (about 3.5oz) before bed, and then a top up from me about 7.30. She fed again at 9.30 and then slept until 2.30! Don't know if this is the start of a pattern would it would be fantastic if it was.

Although she is only a month old, I feel like we like we have been on a long journey. I am so glad I stuck with it, despite negative comments from my Mum about it being unnatural to feed so much and I mustn't be doing it right.

The proof is in the weigh-ins - Charlotte was 6lb11.5oz born, 7lb0oz at 10 days, 7.14oz at 20 days, and 8lb13.5oz at 28 days. Even my mother has to admit I'm doing something right.

I've now started expressing as well to give my husband some time ( and me some time off!) I have heard that the 6 week growth spurt can be traumatic, and spoke to someone from the NCT who said this is when most people give up, so that is the next challenge.

I do think that, in trying to encourage breastfeeding, the message that it is very challenging has been lost, and so you do feel like a failure if your up all night feeding, and thus more likely to give up. apparently, there used to be a booklet called "surviving the first month of breastfeeding", but it was thought to be too negative so they did away with it. I go to a breastfeeding support group and that is really good, as you can get advice and hear everyone elses stories and so don't feel like such a freak.

Anyway - thats the first month - I wonder what the next month will bring?

Update at 11 weeks.

Been so busy its been ages since I was last on, but thought I would come back and update this record with the story so far.

Feeding continued in the same pattern - every 3 hours or so at night and every couple of hours in the day, with cluster feeds in the morning up until about week nine, and Charlotte continued to thrive - making it up to the 50% line on the growth chart. There wasn't a noticeable increase at 6 weeks - although i tried not to watch the clock too much in the day and just feed as and when required.

I started to think however that she was waking up at night more out of habit than hunger, and so hubby slept in the spare room for a few nights and I tried to leave her when she woke up for her 1am feed. she still woke up but after being ignored for 10 mins, she went back to sleep. this happened for 2 nights and then on the third, she slept though until 4am. I had over 5hours uninterupted sleep and thought it was fantastic. She started sucking her thumb around this time, and i think that helped her setlle herself back down again.

At the same time (I think - details get a bit hazy!?!) we stared to wake her up when we went to bed for a feed. she doesn't wake up fully, but OH changes her nappy, and then gives her a bottle of EBM (6oz). I think she still would feed if I did it, but I think it is easier for her to take it from a bottle when she is half asleep, and it makes sure she can take a bottle (she will need to when I go back to work), and is a lovely time for her daddy as well.

We then went on holiday, and kept to the same routine, and she started herself sleeping through until 6 or 7 am. She has been doing this for nearly 2 weeks now, so it seems to have setlled into a pattern.

As well as dropping the night time feeds, she has also settled into more of predictable pattern during the day, especially the mornings. She feeds at 6amish, and will then go to 9, and then around every 3 hours. I have enought milk to express one for the freezer (6oz) and a couple of oz to top up the night expression ( I express before I go to bed for the next nights feed, but can usually only manage 4oz). The freezer is now has around 30 feeds in, which is 2 for every day I am at work intil she is 6 months. I'll carry on expressing though so we have plenty - I should only miss 3 feeds a day.

I was worried that she seemed to have dropped so many so quickly, but she was weighted at 11 weeks and she is still on the 50% line, so she is obviously still getting enough, and I'm over the moon at the nighttime routine. I have been told be some other Mums that they got a routine at 3 months of sleeping through, but this reverted at 4 months, so I am still prepared for growth spurts, but just enjoying it while I can at the moment.

Now that the feeding is less frequent, and I am expressing as well, it was definately worth the journey to get to the stage where it is not painful, its fairly predictable, you are getting enough sleep, you can share it but it still remains the most convenient way to feed, as well as being best for Charlotte. When we were travelling to Cornwall - which took most of the day - I didn't need to worry about heating up feeds or sterlising bottles - just popped it out and hey presto. I often get a lovely smile just as she latches on which is the best feeling in the world.
my boobs are so sore cause my daughter dont latch on properly and hurts me. how do i get em to stop being so sore quickly?

if breasts feel abit hard that means milks come in?

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