Hi everyone,
I started this thread in May when I guess I was at my lowest point of hope after 3 miscarriages. I always promised myself should I ever have my own success story, I would come back to share my story to give hope to others.
Well last week my rainbow baby was finally born. A little girl, Juliet, made her appearance 5 weeks early but is perfect in every way.
Due to my bicornuate uterus, she was also breech so I had to undergo an emergency c-section. All went well however and Juliet and I are doing great.
I just want to tell anyone who has/is experiencing the awfulness of recurrent miscarriage, please dont give up. There is always hope and you will get your rainbow baby's too.
I was never given a cause for my miscarriages, it was just a case of 4th time lucky. Ive seen the statistics and for some ladies its just 5th time lucky, or 6th. As difficult as it is, a positive mindset will help and I wont lie, you'll be scared as hell thoughout the entire pregnancy and the thought of a scan may make you physically sick.
But it will happen for you too, one day. Just dont give up