RBryan's Labour thread - BABY IS HERE! - Dec 21st 15:43pm

JJ Mum

Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2010
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Hi girls,

You will remember Rbyan had a failed induction a week or so ago, and they were keeping an eye on her with a view to induction again nearer her due date?

Well she text today: 20th Dec at 13:31pm -
to say that unfortunately her babies weight had gone down and also the water level has dropped too, so they are keeping her in hospital. They plan to try induction again :lol:and if no luck she will be having a C-section.:wall2:

Good luck Rebecca , baby might be here soon X
(I will try to keep you all updated as she lets me know how she is going)

Update from Rebecca - 20th Dec - 20:52 pm - They put in another pessary. Cervix is more favorable, in midd postion, so fingers crossed it will work this time xxx

Good luck to Rebecca, that sounds really promising girls!

Update from Rebecca - 21st Dec - 09:69 am - They just broke my waters
, so got to have baby now! X

Hope she has baby soon!

Baby Update from Rebecca - 21st dec- 16:30pm - Had a Baby girl at 15:43pm, weighing 4lb 3oz and all is well. (Very quick labour and all natural).

Huge congratulations to Rebecca - what a dinky but healthy baby girl - well done U XX JJ
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Good luck Rebecca, hope everything goes ok :hugs: and bubs is here soon! x
Fingers crossed for you Rebecca, pray all goes well n baby arrives real soon n is healthy too xxxx
Update from Rebecca - 20th Dec - 20:52 pm - They put in another pessary. Cervix is more favorable, in midd postion, so fingers crossed it will work this time xxx

Good luck to Rebecca, that sounds really promising girls!
Update from Rebecca - 21st Dec - 09:69 am - They just broke my waters
, so got to have baby now! X

Hope she has baby soon!
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Baby Update from Rebecca - 21st dec- 16:30pm - Had a Baby girl at 15:43pm, weighing 4lb 3oz and all is well. (Very quick labour and all natural).

Huge congratulations to Rebecca - what a dinky but healthy baby girl - well done U XX JJ
:yay: congratulations,so pleased u got a natural birth xxx

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