Raspberry Leaf Tea


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2010
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Ok, I know there have been a few threads on this lately which gave me the confidence to go and buy some to start using.


Assistant in Holland and Barratts asked if I were 36 weeks pregnant yet and I shouldn't use it until then.

I thought you could use it before - I looked on the packet it only says to avoid if you are in early pregnancy.:wall2:

Basically I just want to know how early people started using it and how often as a bit of a confidence boost - I know the lady in the shop was probably only covering H&Bs asses by saying that but equally I don't want to do anything silly.

Also - are the raspberry leaf capsules equivalent to one cup of tea - so if I really find the tea minging can I just replace it with a capsule?

Sorry if this goes over old ground.
I heard that from 32 weeks it was fine and this is when I started, with just 1 cup a day. I also read somewhere not to take the capsules til 36 weeks which I also did and took 3 a day from then on.

I really don't think you will do any harm having the odd cup as I've heard of people drinking it throughout pregnancy and being fine. My MW strongly advocated RLT and made sure I was drinking enough of it lol x
My MW told me not to drink it before 37 weeks, but i had already started at about 33 weeks. She said it wont have done me any harm as i'd only been having a couple of cups a day at the most. Im not too sure the reasons behind it? xxx
I have some raspberry leaf extract tablets, dont really drink hot drinks unless its winter. It says on my packet not to take before 30 weeks.

it also says 2 tablets (which is recommended dose) is equivalent to 1500mg of dried leaf. no idea how many mg of leaves there are in a tea bag tho!!
muscle tone, strength and elasticity of the uterus. Should help you have nice strong contractions.
my friend used it from 35 weeks and HATED IT... like realllllly strong contractions she was in agony got THREE epidurals and still felt everything BUT she did say once contractions were over 3 pushes and baby was out... her contractions lasted 36 hours and she said to tell everyone i know to avoid raspberry leaf tea :s xxx
if she was having strong contractions but they werent working maybe her cervix wasnt as ready as her uterus?! Im off to buy more pineapple just incase!!!
Loving the advice ladies, just looked at my ticker and I'm 30 weeks today! So..... I'm off to pop a rlt extract pill right now.

also pleased i bought my almond oil having seen lisa's post, uterus and cervix will be ready together. 70 days to go!!!
almond oil? Im using evening primrose oil. Maybe I should get some almond oil too and alternate? Then Ive covered all bases?!

I think Im getting desparate!
My MW said not to use RLT until I hit 37 weeks just in case, on the advice from peops on here I have started to have a cup a day from yesterday (35 weeks) but have had the odd cup before... I got mine in H&B when I was about 30 weeks and no one said anything...

What's with the almond oil? I will be using EPO from 37 weeks... :)
almond oil to help perineal massage, epo to help cervix, getting all mixed up in my excitement....
oils seem to be good in general. Scented bath oils count?!

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